Topic: Darkness btween
NicholasDDuncan's photo
Mon 08/15/11 05:55 PM
A man stood there silent and in shadow
A woman cried out, for him so hallow
Like silence he moved to her side
together they walked, hiding from light
A rose bloomed near
A seed of love, his evil died
A secret facing him in the mirror
The monster inside slept, trapped inside

When she passed and he was left
He held his bony hands tight to his chest
A aching that could swallow the world whole
A despair of an existence so cold
The thorns reaped blood a few drops near
The monster re-appeared standing there
A secret that had remained trapped in the mirrior

So cold is my soul and tormented I remain
These feelings of hate being pushed into breath
Only my vengeance is sustained
For I am the shadow, known as death

N.D.D. 2011