Topic: Cud this be God? An Ex boyfriend Resurfaces!
SingledOut's photo
Sat 07/30/11 01:11 AM
this is a serious matter for me and I figure world wide view cud help esp from the christian minded heart.
I Had a broken relationship weeks back and been trying to pull it together. I'm one who believes to be useful in ministry alongside whoeva i marry not necessarily in d same capabilities but needs a good testimony 2b an inspiration 2d generation dat gets 2luk up 2mine. I stopped havin sex in any relationship of mine for 3yrs now 2d glory of God and as always tried 2put dat deal straight wen i start off a relationship, but i break up wt em 4 varyin rsns; either nt too passionate abt God, no vision, sex driven, liar etc & d las bcos he's catholic (tld me he wud change wen we started out & nw 2start marriage plans, he tells me he cant but i hav to).. & we washed down d drain.

I got tired.. See, i'l be 31, talented & all but single. Nobody including myself cud belif i wud b, so i prayed to God while i further wrap myself into bein busy for Him. I prayed for a man 4rm my tribe ds time & one i who wont hav 2spend al tim wantin 2build confidence 2commit 2me & all cos i dnt hav dat tim 2spare anymor. Didnt kno Hw 2get such a guy knowin it sounds unfair &unreal but am a gud girl & if i Lov him, den he's safe witme.
From outer space blinks out an ex friend of mine 4rm 7yrs ago. He's a sea guy (big boy now) & though he calls thru d yrs.. I neva gav him Anoda thot. We broke off den cos i was obsessed (den) abt gettin married & he wasnt ready (struggling den). So, we thinned out. He came lookin 4me in d new state i live in abt 2wks ago & until den, i neva knew i stil had feelings for him wit his even stronger. He's 34 nw neva married too & wants us too. He is rather glad (@ my misfortune) of nt bein married yet & says he had lik 2do Wat i had always wanted now - get married as soonest as i am comfortable wit (4rm 4mths time).. Well, lik i dreamed.. He rili is my type cept I knew him 2b d type always crazy abt his girl.. Al focus on her &all.. Kisses, sex.. Al kinds of physical contacts is his love language. Then, we neva had sex cos i lived wit my mum & he was squattin wit a Frd. Today, i lived alone in a far away city & he alone in Anoda city wit gud thins of life lik buildin his hous,. Car, financial plan, plays sax & does inspirationals in church blabla.. BUT.. He is he & ds time.. Sex is written all ova him. He definately cant wait til married esp witme plus cos he's too excited &warped wit d idea dat we cud get bac 2geda. I managed him off me d few dys he spent witme but I am not sure of when i visit him as he's been bothering me to. My mum likes him &wans him witme.. My Pst's wife liked him wen she met him (practically sneaked his no off my fone 4 her backup she says), my g/f wans me 2sign d lines.. My mentor tinks its significant but i cant talk 2any of dem abt d sex prospect part.. I even tried a few ways but no one is 'hearin my undertone). I wish 2God dat He cud b mine but how do i handle d sex part as i had always hope 2marry my hbd witout sex til afta d weddin & he's said .. Witme, he cant do dat.. He doesn't wan 2. I actually act in control than i am 2him. I cud dare him 2 back off if he wont wait but btw u & I, he's d best i got eva & in 30 yrs i havnt gotten any one beta.. Dnt even want 2run d circle again Sinc God brought him back my way- all set dis time.
Pls helpme. Till i end up with a solution which i will also share here, you shud kno dat i wil b reading everyone's comment & considering them prayerfully.
Wish u d best too. Thx 4 dtime

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Sat 07/30/11 02:28 PM

Keep praying, DaGirl!

Stay strong!

Your ex' will respect you more than you know if he has an ounce of wisdom.

Take it slow and don't run ahead of yourself and your situation.

It's your you work it.

If he can't handle what you put on the's his loss. strong and prayerful!

(it might just workout :wink: )

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Sat 07/30/11 02:45 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Sat 07/30/11 02:47 PM

By the way, Dagirl, to mingle2 Christian Singles forum!