What is happiness? Is it having the oppurtunity to buy objects that we desire? Or is it having the oppurtunity to have friends that will be there for us threw thick and thin? In all reality happiness cannot be fullfilled with money or objects that only make us happy for a short time and before you know it the objects will accumulate over the years and in the end they turn into smoke and dust. So why do we keep buying objects that seem to fullfill the gap between sorrow and happiness. We do this because it seems we always go down the wrong paths in looking for happiness when it's actually right there in front of us and we just sometimes don't realize it so we buy things that we don't need but at the same time we can be proud of what we purchased. So we need to look before we buy cause happiness may be right around the corner and also we need to spend more time with the ones we love and we will realize there is no better happiness then sharing the love you have for each other and that kind of happiness cannont be bought and it will not go up in smoke and turn to dust. So next time your about to buy something to fullfill your happiness gap take a closer look because the real happiness you may be looking for might be right in front of you and you might not realize it...
![]() ![]() Be reading ya man.... |
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