TurboRams's photo
Wed 07/20/11 04:20 PM
We have all done wrong at one time or another, don’t deny it. Sometimes when we do one wrong thing it seems like everything falls apart for no reason and then another thing goes wrong sending us on a path that seems to lead to Hell. And the more things we do wrong the more we tend to sink. We try scream for help at the same we try to fight back, but the harder we try to fight it the deeper we sink. And before you know it you can’t move can’t speak and you can’t even breathe because you’re in over your head. Because of all the wrong things you have done and the more wrong you do the deeper you sink into the ground, like quicksand. At this point we have to do one of the most hardest and sometimes the most embarrassing thing, admitting we were wrong and even ask for forgiveness. At that moment the quicksand begins to recede and takes its deathly grip away and begins to be replaced with rocks and firm, solid ground. When we are able to stand freely on our own two feet, we take a deep breath and look up to the heavens and breathe out a sigh of relief and hope we don’t have to suffer being stuck in quicksand and fearing there is no way out when all we have to do is admit you were wrong and don’t beat yourself up over it. Because in the end it will make us better and stronger people. If we fall, sink or even drown all we need to do is find a way yo get back up and learn from your lesson and make yourself a better person!