Topic: Forbidden Archaeology | |
Jeanniebean In another thread I was told that "Christianity" was not a big fraud hatched by the Romans and mixed with the old law (old testament.) Why would anyone do such a thing? But Christianity has a lot of pagan holidays (remodeled into Christianity of course.) But how dare I question how that all happened? How dare I suggest "fraud." And yet, as we see, people do hatch frauds --- so now you know. What do you think about the Shroud of Turin? Fraud, fake, or something weird? The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever artist? Modern science has completed hundreds of thousands of hours of detailed study and intense research on the Shroud. It is, in fact, the single most studied artifact in human history, and we know more about it today than we ever have before. And yet, the controversy still rages. This web site will keep you abreast of current research, provide you with accurate data from the previous research and let you interact with the researchers themselves. We believe that if you have access to the facts, you can make up your own mind about the Shroud. Make sure you visit the page where you can Examine the Shroud of Turin for yourself. We hope you enjoy your visit. to secretly infiltrate and change things over dont see christians joining satanic cults and doing that. but thats what there up to.they bought all the companys that make schoolbooks in the 1930s.thats why you believe what you do.i used to too untill my eyes were a kids alot of stuff just didnt make sense.untill my eyes were opened and i understood why everything was messed up.dec 25 is a pagan holiday. the birth of the sun.i got bad news the pope is you see it all comes down from there. we need christians to become secret high satanic priests and screw up there religion like they did to us.they told you in school that all the stuff was stolen out of the were brainwashed and never looked into it did you.they must have put something in there that they wanted to keep really safe and people to know about in the future.there are pyramids all over the world.thats the big secret. Ex 20:4-6 4 "You shall not make for yourself a carved image — any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, Yahweh your Elohim, am a jealous Elohim, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. NKJV Blessings..Miles |
Here is how the pyramids were built. No kidding. |
Edited by
Mon 07/04/11 06:26 PM
Here is how the pyramids were built. No kidding. Surprise surprise. I don't believe the 'official' story. ![]() You seem to always, without fail, side with the official story, no matter how lame it is. Difficulties with the official theory There are a number of problems with the official theory. Firstly, no bodies were ever found in the burial chambers or sarcophegus. Nor were the walls decorated. All the other kings and queens were buried in ornate burial chambers in the Valley of the Kings/Queens near Luxor. All that was ever found to identify Khufu was a small cartouche inscribed somewhere in the great pyramid. Otherwise the walls inside all the pyramids are completely bare. The second issue is regarding the construction - there are 2.3 million stones weighing from 2 to 15 tonnes (5.9 million tonnes total weight). If the pyramid was built over a period of 20 years, this means that 800 tonnes or 315 stones must be put into place each day. That is 13 stones per hour, being lifted ultimately to a height of 485 feet (about 149 metres). That means 13 stones quarried, cut and polished and transported to site and put into place accurately. Plus the construction of a ramp as the pyramid grew. And do not forget that the workers need to eat and be paid. Estimates of the workforce are usually in the tens of thousands, and to this day there are theories but nobody knows for sure how the stones were moved. It has been impossible to accurately date the building of the pyramids. Additionally, doubt has been cast on the age of the Sphinx - water erosion on the sides of the sphinx suggest it could be a lot older than originally thought, and may predate the building of the pyramids. |
The fact is, nobody really knows and I don't claim to have the answers. But I do know when I'm reading codswhallop. A few points:
It is quite plausible that the Sphinx and Pyramids were built by a civilisation preceding the current Egyptians. The Egyptians being the conquoring race simply claimed these monuments for themselves. The Egyptian claim ownership of the pyramids with great pride, so it would be a great blow to the nation if it was revealed that the stone monuments were not achievements of their ancestors. If indeed the pyramids were constructed by an army of men using sleds or wooden rollers or some other manual method that has yet to be explained, I do not consider it possible that they were build in 20 years. One stone in place every 5 minutes ever hour of every day (and night) for 365 days of every year for 20 years. No way. Perhaps 200 years - that is a more plausible 3 stones per hour (for 10 hours a day, each day of the year for 200 years). Even that is quite an achievement, but it means that Khufu didn't order the pyramid and get it delivered in his lifetime). Even with todays mechanical tools, completing the pyramid in 20 years would be an achievement. Engineers have been consulted about the logistics of doing it in the timeframe as a modern day project, and are still stumped. And it would cost a collasal sum of money. If they Egyptians had some anti-gravity device, or ultrasonic technology that is sometimes claimed then perhaps it would be possible - but that is introducing even more amazing and incredible claims. Pyramids were built in many other countries, including South and Central America. In these other countries they seem to be temples for worship, not burial tombs. I believe the Egyptologists have got the tomb theory wrong. The truth is that the current theories from the Egyptologists are wrong. Some of the New Age theories are pretty whacky too. Much about the pyramids still remains a mystery and they well deserve their title as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. |
I have heard of people finding evidence of modern humans existing millions of years ago. I think it might be a possibility. If there is evidence, why would anyone ignore it? Why is it that every time I even peek outside of the box..or look into anything not accepted or approved by the status quo do people get all bent out of shape and start calling me "stupid?" don't know, jeannie. why do you get bent out of shape when the faithful look into things not accepted by the scientific status quo? you may have 'heard' of evidence of modern humans existing millions of years ago but have you seen it? whom did you hear this from and why has it not been made available for study under the strict scrutiny of scientific methodology? i'll not call you stupid but i will say to you what you and i say often to the god fearing folk here; 'show me the evidence.' |
Here is how the pyramids were built. No kidding. who built stonehenge solved: |
It is quite plausible that the Sphinx and Pyramids were built by a civilisation preceding the current Egyptians. ok, jeannie, i'll bite. what evidence makes it 'quite plausible that the sphinx and pyramids wer built by a civilisation preceding the current egyptians'? |
Tch tch tch! Carbon dating.....!
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Edited by
Tue 07/05/11 12:16 PM
It is quite plausible that the Sphinx and Pyramids were built by a civilisation preceding the current Egyptians. ok, jeannie, i'll bite. what evidence makes it 'quite plausible that the sphinx and pyramids wer built by a civilisation preceding the current egyptians'? Some archaeologists claim that the pyramids are a lot older than claimed. I believe they are. The "official story" is just something some people created to 'try' to explain how the pyramids may have been built by somewhat primitive people. The true purpose of the pyramids has never been discovered. That they are tombs for some Kings does not pan out. No bodies were ever found in the burial chambers or sarcophegus. "It has been impossible to accurately date the building of the pyramids. Additionally, doubt has been cast on the age of the Sphinx - water erosion on the sides of the sphinx suggest it could be a lot older than originally thought, and may predate the building of the pyramids." The question you ask was a claim made at this website: I have to say that my B.S. bell goes off when I read the "official story." Understand this: I am not making any claims except that I don't believe the official story. I can see that who ever wrote it, worked real hard trying to make it seem believable but I doubt that they have any real proof to back up their theory. Not to mention its just a lame theory. |
Tch tch tch! Carbon dating.....! ![]() I doubt if you know anything about "carbon dating..." or how it works or what they can and cannot use it on. It's not a magic word that proves anything. ![]() |
It is quite plausible that the Sphinx and Pyramids were built by a civilisation preceding the current Egyptians. ok, jeannie, i'll bite. what evidence makes it 'quite plausible that the sphinx and pyramids wer built by a civilisation preceding the current egyptians'? Some archaeologists claim that the pyramids are a lot older than claimed. I believe they are. The "official story" is just something some people created to 'try' to explain how the pyramids may have been built by somewhat primitive people. The true purpose of the pyramids has never been discovered. That they are tombs for some Kings does not pan out. No bodies were ever found in the burial chambers or sarcophegus. "It has been impossible to accurately date the building of the pyramids. Additionally, doubt has been cast on the age of the Sphinx - water erosion on the sides of the sphinx suggest it could be a lot older than originally thought, and may predate the building of the pyramids." The question you ask was a claim made at this website:
I have to say that my ******** bell goes off when I read the "official story." Yeah yeah yeah...the people who are real authorities on any given scientific subject simply MUST always be WRONG! ![]() Never mind all the scientific evidence. ![]() Here is the NOVA online document on the age of the pyramids... |
Nothing gets past my Bull-Sht meter. I don't care what kind of "authority" it claims to be.
Nothing gets past my Bull-Sht meter. I don't care what kind of "authority" it claims to be. The problem is your meter is uncalibrated and seems to go off at everything which has ample scientific justification but mysteriously does not go off when subjected to actual cattle manure! ![]() Here are the results of the carbon dating.... ![]() |
That was a nice link slowhand. I read the two pages.
This was his final conclusion to the question of an earlier civilization having built the pyramids: Well, it's not impossible, but it has a very, very low level of probability, that there was an older civilization there.
What I think may be possible, is that the pyramids were there long before these Egyptians were, and that the organic material found in crevices was indeed put there by the Egyptians of that time. He did not say where he found this organic material, or if it was from deep inside the pyramid where no man had gone before. I think the Egyptians may have maintained the Pyramids, adding their own mortar where it needed repair. And the Sphinx's head does not seem to fit the body. I think the original head may have been changed. What I would like to see is someone going deep underground under the pyramids and I think they will find something interesting there. |
Edited by
Tue 07/05/11 12:53 PM
Nothing gets past my Bull-Sht meter. I don't care what kind of "authority" it claims to be. The problem is your meter is uncalibrated and seems to go off at everything which has ample scientific justification but mysteriously does not go off when subjected to actual cattle manure! ![]() Here are the results of the carbon dating.... ![]() These results are from 1995. (16 years ago...) wow. Just because the people from Dynasty 4 lived there and used the pyramids and probably altered some of the structure for their own purposes.. that does not prove that they were made at that time or who made them. |
i used to watch pbs but now they seem
to be propraganda for bs. i dont think that your going to find what was hidden in the pyramids written in any article or book today. when people try to get certain books published they will run into a brick wall.they claim they can extract dna from dinosaur fossils but not the Shroud of Turin.and if they did? i dont care about scientific papers when most scientists dont believe in global warming from co2.yet it seems all the scientist agree with al gore.and they show this propaganda in schools.and force evolution down our child left behind =(unbrainwashed). there is so much disinformation out there now put out by our government payed with your tax dollars. save the environment earth day recycle save the animals peta wwf organic natural loaded with msg transfats sugarfree gmo |
It is quite plausible that the Sphinx and Pyramids were built by a civilisation preceding the current Egyptians. ok, jeannie, i'll bite. what evidence makes it 'quite plausible that the sphinx and pyramids wer built by a civilisation preceding the current egyptians'? The question you ask was a claim made at this website: no, jeannie. the question i asked was 'what evidence makes it 'quite plausible that the sphinx and pyramids wer built by a civilisation preceding the current egyptians'? a website is not evidence. |
Edited by
Mon 07/25/11 08:43 AM
It is quite plausible that the Sphinx and Pyramids were built by a civilisation preceding the current Egyptians. ok, jeannie, i'll bite. what evidence makes it 'quite plausible that the sphinx and pyramids wer built by a civilisation preceding the current egyptians'? The question you ask was a claim made at this website: no, jeannie. the question i asked was 'what evidence makes it 'quite plausible that the sphinx and pyramids wer built by a civilisation preceding the current egyptians'? a website is not evidence. What I am saying is that it is not my claim. I don't know if there is any acceptable evidence. I just posted it for discussion. I thought it was an interesting subject. Sometimes a website is evidence. Just because you only use the Internet for entertainment does not mean that a website can't contain evidence or be educational. |
got it now jeannie. sorry, thought you supported the claim. if we're posting website links where claims are made i can direct you to several that claim there is a god. some of the folks there will refer you to their bible or quoran available on yet other websites and will tell you those websites are evidence too. all a question of how one defines evidence, huh?
got it now jeannie. sorry, thought you supported the claim. if we're posting website links where claims are made i can direct you to several that claim there is a god. some of the folks there will refer you to their bible or quoran available on yet other websites and will tell you those websites are evidence too. all a question of how one defines evidence, huh? Yep you can even present websites that claim there is a flying spaghetti monster. Anything you want is there, on the Internet somewhere. You have to look at where the information comes from, and evaluate it. You have to look for motive, agenda, facts, etc. Then decide for yourself. |