Topic: Is love for everyone?
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Fri 06/17/11 07:20 PM

I would say that there are probably a ton more people playing games than before and fixated on looks. That's enough right there to drive you crazy. But on the other hand there are more ways to broaden the search through the use of the Internet, you just have be be smart in knowing what to look for as far as signs of good and bad on the Internet.

Michael, I would say that not only is this 100% accurate, things are actually even worse!

For one thing, people are putting less and less effort into their dating site endeavors. Profiles are worse, the communications are worse (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.), and the content has dwindled to the point that significant percentages of profiles are limited to "I don't know what to write here" or "Anything you want to know, you'll have to ask."

In addition, it seems that (the larger) dating sites are becoming more and more mainstream. If you're not looking for the traditional marriage-with-2.4-kids-and-obligatory-1950s-mentality, you're just plain screwed on most sites. Women on the larger sites don't seem to want a guy who has a functional brain or who can read and write above a third grade level, in my experience.

While it's still possible to run across some non-mainstreamers on some of the smaller, more specialized sites, those sites generally have so few members that the odds of finding someone close enough to meet in person is negligible.

Yes, people focus on looks, and yes, that creates a lot of limitations. But there are lots of other kinds of limitations out there as well!

All the more reason why we need to cherish people like you and need to be a place that cultivates a good crowd.

Thank you, Michael! Someday, maybe there really will be a place like that! Of course, I'll be 97 by then....

winterblue56's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:25 PM

given a chance to find someone, but who's to say they don't grow up in heaven and find someone there?

Becareful trying to find someone you create in your head outside of your head, that's a trap a lot of people fall for. flowerforyou

Schweet thought!!...grow up in heaven.
Good words to live by also flowerforyou

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:25 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. :heart:


MzCat73's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:27 PM
So basically, in a nutshell....i just have to wait my turn huh!!! i don't want to be some old lady when it finally happens, but i guess i do have to keep kissing toads before a prince will appear out of one of em. lol

it's just not my time yet...

and another thing too, i didn't want to raise my boys all by myself, of course their dad went off to be with one of his other kids moms and married her. she was the one he wanted in the first place, even before i ever came into his life. he married me, cause she was ready at the time. had two boys out of it, now i'm a single mom, barely making it.

no photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:28 PM

I would say that there are probably a ton more people playing games than before and fixated on looks. That's enough right there to drive you crazy. But on the other hand there are more ways to broaden the search through the use of the Internet, you just have be be smart in knowing what to look for as far as signs of good and bad on the Internet.

Michael, I would say that not only is this 100% accurate, things are actually even worse!

For one thing, people are putting less and less effort into their dating site endeavors. Profiles are worse, the communications are worse (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.), and the content has dwindled to the point that significant percentages of profiles are limited to "I don't know what to write here" or "Anything you want to know, you'll have to ask."

In addition, it seems that (the larger) dating sites are becoming more and more mainstream. If you're not looking for the traditional marriage-with-2.4-kids-and-obligatory-1950s-mentality, you're just plain screwed on most sites. Women on the larger sites don't seem to want a guy who has a functional brain or who can read and write above a third grade level, in my experience.

While it's still possible to run across some non-mainstreamers on some of the smaller, more specialized sites, those sites generally have so few members that the odds of finding someone close enough to meet in person is negligible.

Yes, people focus on looks, and yes, that creates a lot of limitations. But there are lots of other kinds of limitations out there as well!

All the more reason why we need to cherish people like you and need to be a place that cultivates a good crowd.

Thank you, Michael! Someday, maybe there really will be a place like that! Of course, I'll be 97 by then....

You know what they say, "97 is the new 70".

MzCat73's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:29 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. :heart:


wow that's something to think about. i know i have insecurities, but with good reasons. seems like every man i run into, want every woman on the side, and i'm just into that. i've been burned more than fingers could count. so yea, i gotta get past all this in my heart, before i guess i can move on.

no photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:30 PM

I think the reality of finding the right person has changed so much over the last 20 years that we almost have to reevaluate how to go about getting to know someone and finding out if they are someone we might be interested in.

I would say that there are probably a ton more people playing games than before and fixated on looks. That's enough right there to drive you crazy. But on the other hand there are more ways to broaden the search through the use of the Internet, you just have be be smart in knowing what to look for as far as signs of good and bad on the Internet.

I find that being straight up about what you want and how you look at things weeds people out quickly. For example: I on purpose put up post that go a little over board in what I want (giving lots of detail) this way women who might be scared off can do so without burning up my time and theirs. Some might think this to be too much but for me I feel these are things that are going to come up some time in the getting to know process so why not get them out of the way now. I don't think people think any less of me as a friend but they know deep down that it would never work because of X or work because of the same thing.

I strongly recommend you getting involved on mingle threads and let others get to know how you are and what your dislikes and likes have to offer. If nothing else it will be a lot of fun making friends and teach you things about yourself you didn't know.

How was that for a Mingle promo?

yea it does weed em out...they run FAST AND IN A HURRY! lol it's like NO ONE is serious anymore, i guess ppl are more into looking for a quick sex convo and pic swap than anything else. so sad.

I hear ya sister! ^_^

When I look at my grandma and grandad, and the great man my father is. And then look at everyone around my age today, you just know the world has taken a dive.

How I wish to go back to the old days, when values were high and respected.

Alot of good hearted people, like me, you, and many of my friends, are suffering from the constant madness of the world.

I think to find any kind of unity, we must find it amongst ourselfs.

Everyone here on mingle seems like a good soul. I wish I was a lot older, because there are plenty of people here, that are my type. The internet is a fantastic way of getting to know a person from the inside. And the Mingle forum is perfect for getting a real feel for a person. Like I said before, if only I was much older. Now to laugh at what I just said laugh

no photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:33 PM
Now is a good time for us all to hold hands and sing "we are the world".

MzCat73's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:34 PM

I think the reality of finding the right person has changed so much over the last 20 years that we almost have to reevaluate how to go about getting to know someone and finding out if they are someone we might be interested in.

I would say that there are probably a ton more people playing games than before and fixated on looks. That's enough right there to drive you crazy. But on the other hand there are more ways to broaden the search through the use of the Internet, you just have be be smart in knowing what to look for as far as signs of good and bad on the Internet.

I find that being straight up about what you want and how you look at things weeds people out quickly. For example: I on purpose put up post that go a little over board in what I want (giving lots of detail) this way women who might be scared off can do so without burning up my time and theirs. Some might think this to be too much but for me I feel these are things that are going to come up some time in the getting to know process so why not get them out of the way now. I don't think people think any less of me as a friend but they know deep down that it would never work because of X or work because of the same thing.

I strongly recommend you getting involved on mingle threads and let others get to know how you are and what your dislikes and likes have to offer. If nothing else it will be a lot of fun making friends and teach you things about yourself you didn't know.

How was that for a Mingle promo?

yea it does weed em out...they run FAST AND IN A HURRY! lol it's like NO ONE is serious anymore, i guess ppl are more into looking for a quick sex convo and pic swap than anything else. so sad.

I hear ya sister! ^_^

When I look at my grandma and grandad, and the great man my father is. And then look at everyone around my age today, you just know the world has taken a dive.

How I wish to go back to the old days, when values were high and respected.

Alot of good hearted people, like me, you, and many of my friends, are suffering from the constant madness of the world.

I think to find any kind of unity, we must find it amongst ourselfs.

Everyone here on mingle seems like a good soul. I wish I was a lot older, because there are plenty of people here, that are my type. The internet is a fantastic way of getting to know a person from the inside. And the Mingle forum is perfect for getting a real feel for a person. Like I said before, if only I was much older. Now to laugh at what I just said laugh

yea, i wish times was like back in the day, when love actually meant something to each other.

but then again, times now, ppl are dressing more provocative and naked, which leads to cheating, which leads to break ups and insecurities.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:34 PM

So basically, in a nutshell....i just have to wait my turn huh!!! i don't want to be some old lady when it finally happens, but i guess i do have to keep kissing toads before a prince will appear out of one of em. lol

it's just not my time yet...

and another thing too, i didn't want to raise my boys all by myself, of course their dad went off to be with one of his other kids moms and married her. she was the one he wanted in the first place, even before i ever came into his life. he married me, cause she was ready at the time. had two boys out of it, now i'm a single mom, barely making it.

Yep, basically that is it
Use the time wisely...
work on you
take care of those boys.

I spent the last 12 years alone and finished
raising my 3 boys. It was tough..but worth every single moment.
One day you'll look at them and they will be all grown up.

A time for all things...flowerforyou

Totage's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:34 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. :heart:


wow that's something to think about. i know i have insecurities, but with good reasons. seems like every man i run into, want every woman on the side, and i'm just into that. i've been burned more than fingers could count. so yea, i gotta get past all this in my heart, before i guess i can move on.

perhaps you give them more of you than they deserve, or too soon? Make them earn your heart, don't just give it away. Then again, you don't want to end up like me, so maybe try to find the balance between the two.

MzCat73's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:35 PM

Now is a good time for us all to hold hands and sing "we are the world".

ain't it the truth LOL. :banana:

MzCat73's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:37 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. :heart:


wow that's something to think about. i know i have insecurities, but with good reasons. seems like every man i run into, want every woman on the side, and i'm just into that. i've been burned more than fingers could count. so yea, i gotta get past all this in my heart, before i guess i can move on.

perhaps you give them more of you than they deserve, or too soon? Make them earn your heart, don't just give it away. Then again, you don't want to end up like me, so maybe try to find the balance between the two.

yea that's true, i shouldn't give em ANYTHING, not even my heart.

but what do u mean, i don't want to end up like u??? ohwell

MzCat73's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:40 PM

So basically, in a nutshell....i just have to wait my turn huh!!! i don't want to be some old lady when it finally happens, but i guess i do have to keep kissing toads before a prince will appear out of one of em. lol

it's just not my time yet...

and another thing too, i didn't want to raise my boys all by myself, of course their dad went off to be with one of his other kids moms and married her. she was the one he wanted in the first place, even before i ever came into his life. he married me, cause she was ready at the time. had two boys out of it, now i'm a single mom, barely making it.

Yep, basically that is it
Use the time wisely...
work on you
take care of those boys.

I spent the last 12 years alone and finished
raising my 3 boys. It was tough..but worth every single moment.
One day you'll look at them and they will be all grown up.

A time for all things...flowerforyou

yea, but what happens when they all grow up and leave the house, what then??? maybe a pet?

wow 12 years is a long time to be alone, but if someone else can do it, maybe i can too. i betta get to counting my years, starting this week. frown

winterblue56's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:41 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. :heart:



no photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:41 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. :heart:


wow that's something to think about. i know i have insecurities, but with good reasons. seems like every man i run into, want every woman on the side, and i'm just into that. i've been burned more than fingers could count. so yea, i gotta get past all this in my heart, before i guess i can move on.

Your dating men in Springfield Ohio right?

In all my life I have never seen a "wham bam thank you mam" revolving door like I did in Ohio. If you get in the wrong circle of fish there you are nothing but part time meat at best. It's very sad when people get in to these types of communities cause it can prevent you from seeing all the good fish waiting to be caught.

Totage's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:42 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. :heart:


wow that's something to think about. i know i have insecurities, but with good reasons. seems like every man i run into, want every woman on the side, and i'm just into that. i've been burned more than fingers could count. so yea, i gotta get past all this in my heart, before i guess i can move on.

perhaps you give them more of you than they deserve, or too soon? Make them earn your heart, don't just give it away. Then again, you don't want to end up like me, so maybe try to find the balance between the two.

yea that's true, i shouldn't give em ANYTHING, not even my heart.

but what do u mean, i don't want to end up like u??? ohwell

I mean, you don't want to overprotect your heart and let no one in at all. you want to protect it from being misused and taken for granite.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:44 PM

So basically, in a nutshell....i just have to wait my turn huh!!! i don't want to be some old lady when it finally happens, but i guess i do have to keep kissing toads before a prince will appear out of one of em. lol

it's just not my time yet...

and another thing too, i didn't want to raise my boys all by myself, of course their dad went off to be with one of his other kids moms and married her. she was the one he wanted in the first place, even before i ever came into his life. he married me, cause she was ready at the time. had two boys out of it, now i'm a single mom, barely making it.

Yep, basically that is it
Use the time wisely...
work on you
take care of those boys.

I spent the last 12 years alone and finished
raising my 3 boys. It was tough..but worth every single moment.
One day you'll look at them and they will be all grown up.

A time for all things...flowerforyou

yea, but what happens when they all grow up and leave the house, what then??? maybe a pet?

wow 12 years is a long time to be alone, but if someone else can do it, maybe i can too. i betta get to counting my years, starting this week. frown

well...that's the REALLY lonely part. ; )

no photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:45 PM

Now is a good time for us all to hold hands and sing "we are the world".

ain't it the truth LOL. :banana:

laugh I know time is being kind to me now! happy

MzCat73's photo
Fri 06/17/11 07:47 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. :heart:


wow that's something to think about. i know i have insecurities, but with good reasons. seems like every man i run into, want every woman on the side, and i'm just into that. i've been burned more than fingers could count. so yea, i gotta get past all this in my heart, before i guess i can move on.

Your dating men in Springfield Ohio right?

In all my life I have never seen a "wham bam thank you mam" revolving door like I did in Ohio. If you get in the wrong circle of fish there you are nothing but part time meat at best. It's very sad when people get in to these types of communities cause it can prevent you from seeing all the good fish waiting to be caught.

true :cry: