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Topic: Man this is meesed up guys.....
Dayv's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:13 PM
Here is the story,
A buddy of mine who I served with called me up and was freaking out, I asked him what was up, he told me this, this is messed up.

High School sweetheart who he was with for 7 years contacts him after we both got back from Iraq, I did not know this, she has been with this other fellow for the last 5 years,[they split up upon our tours over seas] all she says in her email was "I was just seeing if your ok"...Well, they start talking and she tells him the abuse she is recieving from this guy, not physical, but almost worse, MENTAL, they have talking for almost a year and apparently wanted to try again, he has changed and she see's this change and apparently likes it, she dumps the guy she is with, sells her house, moves hundreds of miles and moves in with him, they get married and staRT thier new life together, well, about 3 weeks into the NEW LIFE, she tells him "I wanna go visit my family for a week, he agrees that the move might have some I miss my family issues, She doesn't call for a couple days and he gets a call from thier son, who went with to supposingly visit that she is staying there and her and her ex ex are buying a trailor now.
Her sister told my buddy that she missed the mental abuse...could this be?...I mean, who would go through all that crap, selling a house, moving, getting married then go back to the other guy, I didn't know any answers for him so I thought some of you might know what would possess her to do such a crazy act.

Karensmiles's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:17 PM
Bi-polar? unmedicated? Tell him to stop the cycle and not get involved again or he will just set himself up for hurt.

YeaBigsexy's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:17 PM
with a spoon..explode devil

nusalor's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:19 PM
But use a'll want to get every chunk!

oldsage's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:19 PM
DRAMA dependant, thinks she can SAVE him

Jess642's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:19 PM
laugh laugh Bit of hostility there BIG?

Addicted to abuse..undiagnosed mental health issues as Karen said..

He needs to think about him for a time...and be gentle with himself..

And there are two sides to a story..

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:19 PM
Unfortunately, yes that could be exactly why she went back. I had a professor in college whose husband abused her and she said not to judge unless you had been in her shoes. The professor's ex committed suicide and she was still grieving for him two years later. I can't comprehend it but...

izzie's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:21 PM
i personlay recomend a SPORK!!:tongue: laugh

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:23 PM
Acutally mental abuse is stays with you for a long time. She has been conditioned to this type of treatment, and may think that she deserves it..Until she believes in herself again, she will continue to stay with the man that abuses her.

music_man's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:24 PM

vivalosdodgers's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:24 PM
where she from??? she's probably from florida. ha ha ha. she definetly needs to be *****ed slapped. oh wait she'll probably like it.

T00Lfan's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:25 PM
Yikes that is some bull...

Well, I hope your friend is alright. It sounds like he is a descent guy, and I hope he doesn't even think about messing with that nut-job of a wife he has.

Best of luck to him.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:32 PM
Actually it is not that hard to believe. Many women keep going back to the one that abused them either physically or mentally. They are convinced that they deserve what they are getting. I pray that this lady gets some professional help and gets out of that relationship before she ends up another statistic.

Native_Grl39's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:33 PM
Well I would say the cycle continues...He probably promised her he would change..etc ect ect...She obviously was looking for a way out and married for reasons other than love...AND is caught up once again in the cycle of abuse from the man that she thinks she truly loves and will hang on any crumb of something good and positive that he has to offer....This will last until the honeymoon phase is over and he is through manipulating her into thinking he has changed so he can win her back...Then he will be back to his old abusive self...Sick...maybe...BUT also some women that have been mentally abused don't know how to handle when a man treats them good because they aren't used to it and they don't believe they deserve it either....Comfort can be a scary thing to these women!!!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou drinker

Dayv's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:38 PM
Well Native,
He told me through her sister that he has already restarted the Abuse, taking away her computer, her tv, and now takes HER car to work so she is stuck home.
And your right, He{he being NOT my buddy} promised to change, he did for about 1 week, now he's worse than ever, bad thing is the ex ex has her moving and getting married on his shoulders now, so he prolly will be worse to her.

adj4u's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:42 PM
well it happens

i tried to adopt the son my x had when we met

you know with the guy she says date raped her with a drug

and bad mouthed four ten years

come to find out the guy is in prison (multiple b&e and robbery)

she goes to get him to sign the paper
(my mistake should have insisted lawer handle it)

she then begins divorcing me

he is released from prison

upon the finalization of the divorce

she maries him 3 weeks later

now what does that tell ya

3 wee grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

adj4u's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:52 PM
oh yeah and we were married 12 years

imagine that

Puffins1958's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:54 PM
I have heard of women that feel they deserve this abuse. I'm sorry for your friend, but this woman needs someone to look after her, she needs to ind out why she does not feel she is worthy of being in a healthy, loving relationship

no photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:55 PM
and this is why men can't understand women and why there is no good ones left that don't think every women will be this way.

hi to site and say it's better than yahoo.

Dayv's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:58 PM
Well nevertheless i am gonna fly down and help him with his divorce proceedings, guess he can't get anolled so has to divorce, I'll probably go spend a few days and pat him on the back and tell him it's ok and talk about the old days....
He really is a great guy and I really feel bad for him, I couldn't imagine what he must be feeling. He really loved her and offered her the world.indifferent

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