Topic: One Day’s Worth of Millionaire Tax Cuts
no photo
Sun 06/19/11 05:28 PM
a flat rate income tax is the best way to solve all problems

No. Flat rate taxes are always regressive. The tax code is now slightly progressive, as my source shows. I don't think it's nearly progressive enough. It becomes quite obvious why the Conservative argument about the top 1% paying such a high proportion of all taxes is so bogus.

actionlynx's photo
Sun 06/19/11 08:18 PM
My point is just to reset the whole tax structure. A flat tax would eliminate the need for business owners to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. It would eliminate corporate taxes, luxury taxes, capital gains taxes, and estate taxes. Most importantly, it would eliminate all the loopholes which the wealthy take advantage of.

Once the tax structure has been reset, we can rebuild it along a more progressive scheme one step at a time by lowering the flat rate, then adding flat rate luxury taxes, capital gains taxes, estate taxes, etc. In essence, such taxes tend to target wealthier citizens the most.

This also means that Federal taxes would target the citizen rather than businesses. As such, this should provide relief to businesses of all sizes, thereby promoting job growth and perhaps even wage increases for the lowest paying jobs. It might even allow for some manufacturing jobs in the U.S.

I want to simplify things so we can begin making progress on other issues which have become a nightmare under the current tax system.

Plus I don't think it is fair that married couples receive a tax break while a young single 20-something trying to build a nest egg towards having a family gets none, nor while a retired widower receives none. Furthermore, a gay couple trying to raise children, biological or adopted, receives no tax shelter either unless they live in an area where marriage or a civil union is allowed. That effectively makes such a family second-class citizens.

I'm no lawyer or accountant, but this is just what I think based on the little I do know. One of the things I know is that our government has gotten so big that it has become too complex. It's time to streamline it. Make things less complicated and more efficient. We have to start somewhere, and I see the flat tax as the best way to begin.

Chazster's photo
Sun 06/19/11 09:11 PM

I think its funny how people act like rich people don't pay any taxes. They are in the highest tax bracket already. They pay the highest percentages.

Thats' simply not true. It is so far from true that I can't help but demand some documentation.

Just look at the tax brackets.

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 07:25 AM
Here's a very clear explanation of what money is and how it works.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 06/20/11 01:31 PM

a flat rate income tax is the best way to solve all problems

No. Flat rate taxes are always regressive. The tax code is now slightly progressive, as my source shows. I don't think it's nearly progressive enough. It becomes quite obvious why the Conservative argument about the top 1% paying such a high proportion of all taxes is so bogus.
I am just amazed at how many millionaire and future millionaire post on this forum.:wink:

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 01:32 PM

a flat rate income tax is the best way to solve all problems

No. Flat rate taxes are always regressive. The tax code is now slightly progressive, as my source shows. I don't think it's nearly progressive enough. It becomes quite obvious why the Conservative argument about the top 1% paying such a high proportion of all taxes is so bogus.
I am just amazed at how many millionaire and future millionaire post on this forum.:wink:

Damn right! Everybody should aspire to be rich, instead of letting jealousy and insecurity drive to you punish the rich for their success.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 06/20/11 01:36 PM

a flat rate income tax is the best way to solve all problems

No. Flat rate taxes are always regressive. The tax code is now slightly progressive, as my source shows. I don't think it's nearly progressive enough. It becomes quite obvious why the Conservative argument about the top 1% paying such a high proportion of all taxes is so bogus.
I am just amazed at how many millionaire and future millionaire post on this forum.:wink:

Damn right! Everybody should aspire to be rich, instead of letting jealousy and insecurity drive to you punish the rich for their success.
Forgive me for asking but do you watch alot of fox news?

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 01:38 PM

a flat rate income tax is the best way to solve all problems

No. Flat rate taxes are always regressive. The tax code is now slightly progressive, as my source shows. I don't think it's nearly progressive enough. It becomes quite obvious why the Conservative argument about the top 1% paying such a high proportion of all taxes is so bogus.
I am just amazed at how many millionaire and future millionaire post on this forum.:wink:

Damn right! Everybody should aspire to be rich, instead of letting jealousy and insecurity drive to you punish the rich for their success.
Forgive me for asking but do you watch alot of fox news?

No, I don't have cable, but I do believe in the free enterprise system and I believe that I have the potential through hard work and sweat to become a millionaire.

Chazster's photo
Mon 06/20/11 03:09 PM

a flat rate income tax is the best way to solve all problems

No. Flat rate taxes are always regressive. The tax code is now slightly progressive, as my source shows. I don't think it's nearly progressive enough. It becomes quite obvious why the Conservative argument about the top 1% paying such a high proportion of all taxes is so bogus.
I am just amazed at how many millionaire and future millionaire post on this forum.:wink:

Why do you have to be a millionaire to think taxation should be fair?

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 03:29 PM
instead of letting jealousy and insecurity drive to you punish the rich for their success.

Odd. As a non-rich person, I don't feel I'm being punished by being required to pay my fair share. Is if only rich people that fell that taxes are a punishment?

What's unfair about progressive taxes? Even Adam Smith recognized that taxes had to be progressive in order to be fair. Do you think that Adam Smith was a silly a$$, lying looney liberal?

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 05:00 PM
What's unfair about progressive taxes? Even Adam Smith recognized that taxes had to be progressive in order to be fair. Do you think that Adam Smith was a silly a$$, lying looney liberal?

Leftist propaganda. Adam Smith supported a flat tax, which firmly places the majority of the income tax on the shoulders of the rich, but not unduly so.

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 05:35 PM
Leftist propaganda. Adam Smith supported a flat tax, which firmly places the majority of the income tax on the shoulders of the rich, but not unduly so.

Well, there you go again. I had to do a little reading on that. Smith had to choose between a flat, tax, a proportional tax and a progressive tax. While he was ambiguos between the latter two, The flat tax was out of the picture. Among other remarks, he said, ""The rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion"[109]" That would be a progressive tax.

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 05:40 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Mon 06/20/11 06:28 PM

Leftist propaganda. Adam Smith supported a flat tax, which firmly places the majority of the income tax on the shoulders of the rich, but not unduly so.

Well, there you go again. I had to do a little reading on that. Smith had to choose between a flat, tax, a proportional tax and a progressive tax. While he was ambiguos between the latter two, The flat tax was out of the picture. Among other remarks, he said, ""The rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion"[109]" That would be a progressive tax.

Are you used to debating really dumb, lazy people? You aren't going to win this argument by being a liar, got it?

The necessaries of life occasion the great expense of the poor. They find it difficult to get food, and the greater part of their little revenue is spent in getting it. The luxuries and vanities of life occasion the principal expense of the rich, and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the best advantage all the other luxuries and vanities which they possess. A tax upon house-rents, therefore, would in general fall heaviest upon the rich; and in this sort of inequality there would not, perhaps, be anything very unreasonable. It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion

BOOM! He's talking about taxing of rent houses and property, not a larger income tax percent.

And a Proportional tax is the same thing as a Flat tax. Yeah, you better pick easier prey, your debating skills are pathetic and your documentation is all lies.

And one more punch to knock you the hell out.

The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state.

KerryO's photo
Mon 06/20/11 07:15 PM

Leftist propaganda. Adam Smith supported a flat tax, which firmly places the majority of the income tax on the shoulders of the rich, but not unduly so.

Well, there you go again. I had to do a little reading on that. Smith had to choose between a flat, tax, a proportional tax and a progressive tax. While he was ambiguos between the latter two, The flat tax was out of the picture. Among other remarks, he said, ""The rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion"[109]" That would be a progressive tax.

Are you used to debating really dumb, lazy people? You aren't going to win this argument by being a liar, got it?

And you're going to win yours with namecalling? :)

You just might want to review the forum rules.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 07:17 PM

And you're going to win yours with namecalling? :)

You just might want to review the forum rules.

-Kerry O.

He chopped up the quote to make it seem like Adam Smith supports progressive tax schemes. That's called lying. This wasn't the first time he's done that. They can ban me if they want, but I'm simply stating the facts.

Chazster's photo
Mon 06/20/11 07:46 PM

And you're going to win yours with namecalling? :)

You just might want to review the forum rules.

-Kerry O.

He chopped up the quote to make it seem like Adam Smith supports progressive tax schemes. That's called lying. This wasn't the first time he's done that. They can ban me if they want, but I'm simply stating the facts.

Lyings bad Mmmkay- Mr Mackey

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 08:01 PM

And you're going to win yours with namecalling? :)

You just might want to review the forum rules.

-Kerry O.

He chopped up the quote to make it seem like Adam Smith supports progressive tax schemes. That's called lying. This wasn't the first time he's done that. They can ban me if they want, but I'm simply stating the facts.

Lyings bad Mmmkay- Mr Mackey

Walter Duranty lied about what he saw in the Ukraine. The US Government and others around the world believed his stories in the NY Times and established diplomatic ties with Russia. Duranty was awarded the Pulitzer prize for journalism for his pieces on the Ukraine. Walter Duranty lied as he watched seven million Ukrainian men, women and children die of starvation. Because he was such a well respected journalist, the few reporters who told the truth were ignored or called crack pots. Jesus compared lying to murder, in this case, it was a good deal worse than a simple murder.

KerryO's photo
Tue 06/21/11 04:43 AM

And you're going to win yours with namecalling? :)

You just might want to review the forum rules.

-Kerry O.

He chopped up the quote to make it seem like Adam Smith supports progressive tax schemes. That's called lying. This wasn't the first time he's done that. They can ban me if they want, but I'm simply stating the facts.

No, you just disagree with his interpretation and you showed no grace or civility in expressing same. An interpretation, I might add, that Adam Smith did indeed favor _some_degree_ of progressive taxation is pretty common if one takes the time to research it.

People who disagree with you are not liars for having a different interpretation than yours-- they just disagree with you. Calling them names and impugning their integrity is not very persuasive.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 06:28 AM
Edited by Up2Us on Tue 06/21/11 06:32 AM
Sounds like our government is working for the Illuminati eventual population control.....smokin
Next step FEMA camps.....devil

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 07:26 AM

No, you just disagree with his interpretation and you showed no grace or civility in expressing same. An interpretation, I might add, that Adam Smith did indeed favor _some_degree_ of progressive taxation is pretty common if one takes the time to research it.

No, Adam Smith did not support a progressive income tax. My quotes prove that. His quote had misleadingly chopped out the fact that Adam Smith felt that the the rich should and would be taxed more, because they would have income from rental houses, not that they should pay a higher rate of tax. He also explicitly stated that everyone should pay a proportional tax.

People who disagree with you are not liars for having a different interpretation than yours-- they just disagree with you. Calling them names and impugning their integrity is not very persuasive.

I don't care if I'm persuasive. He cut up a quote to make it sound like Adam Smith supported a "progressive" tax. That's lying in my book and I can't imagine it was accidental. You know what I think it really was? I think he went to a far left, wing nut, moon bat type website and took their word that Adam Smith said those things. So maybe he isn't a liar, he's just so steeped in leftist dogma he believes anything they say.