wellPopcorn,,its been a long while,,and it sounds like you have more than four peoples jobs there doing,,,I am so sorry you have this all on your shoulders,,but I also know YOU,,wouldn't want anyone else in the family doing your job,,,My dad passed away twenty five years ago,,remember it like yesterday,,He was druged and just came right out yelling mad and sai,,,DAMNNN IT TERRY LEE WANT THE POINT OF PROLONGING IT? I knew then,,what YOU know NOW,,,you have to let your dad know its ok,,for him to leave you,,and as my own tears fall here tying THATS not an easy thing to do,,but I TOLD MINE he was going to be fine,,,well,,I was wrong,,YOU and your dad know,,he is leaving soon,,and the more you both can,,and DO talk about THAT to each other,,the MORE HE CAN FEEL THAT PEACE,,,A slow death by cacer is something no one should EVER have to go through or witness...I am sooo sad for all your involved with there,,IF I could I would come by and give you a hug,,and try and help,, ![]() ![]() And I just bet Nita is at times a real handfull,,wink,, when you have folks you love so much,,and the whole family LOOKS AT YOU to be the one to spend all your time TRYING and DOING for you three,,its very hard to DO THAT ALONE,,,,I would Pray to God and ask him IF it is His time to be taken could you please let him go soon Lord and while he's sleeping,,so he does not feel any fear..I have asked God THIS SAME,,many times,,for my friends who have passed and some of my family,, AS this is going to go on with you and everything there,,,YOU NEED A BREAK,,,I don't care WHO takes your place for a day,,,but YOU NEED A DAY AWAY,,w/o thinking of them,,and turn to your kids,,to help you find some smiles,,and always know God's with you every step,,,talk with Himoften,,and find a day to be YOU,,because really,,,YOU HAVE THEM DEPENDING ON YOU TO BE THERE...right? ok,,IF you fall apart and get sick,,and broken down,,,they and you will be LOST,,,so,,,a day for you,,Prayers for both of them,,,and talk about death with your dad,,,,I was able to joke with my Mother,,as WE talked of her possible passing,,,but she made a turn around,,,But its through having THAT release with yourself and your dad,,that IF he is called,,,YOU KNOW in yoour heart,,that its all what it was to be....LOVE LIGHT AND HUGS and I will Pray for all three of you,,,email me anytime,,, |
Tears are running down my face but there are times that you need to cry. your words really mean alot to me. Dad is hard-of-hearing,so sometimes it is hard to talk to him.I know that I need to tell him that I'll be ok.if he is ready to go home. it is just to hard to talk about without falling to piece's.He said to live everyday ,as we always do,not to think about it or we'll be sad all the time.Sometimes I check-on him at night,just to make sure he is still here.I'm afraid he'll slip away without a word. You are right,I wouldn't want anyone else doing my job.I do have a half-brother but he left in 1997 and Dad won't let me call him.
Jerry might not care anyway.Terry,before I became part of the Mingle Family, I hardly ever talk to God or even read anything about him and Then I became friends with alot of Mingle's that talked about him and helped me to believe in him.I still have things to learn but now I've opened my heart and my eyes. I want to say Thanks To All The Mingle Family from my heart. Please keep the prayers coming and I'll keep doing my best.I'll keep you up to date. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |