Topic: Sunday in the Park...
Sailcat's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:10 PM
Edited by Sailcat on Sun 06/12/11 01:11 PM
...Quite literally.
Hello from Yellowstone. I'm Dave, 44, and I've been a member for a little while, but have yet to properly introduce myself.
I'm mainly hoping to make some new friends here, and if that eventually leads to something, so much the better. Why rush at this point, right?
Any questions, please feel free to shoot me a line and ask.

With that said, I'll bow out now, before I say something idiotic, and the villagers come with torches and pitchforks.

Hope to see you around


smokeybette's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:21 PM
hey dave and welcome from ennis, yep ennis,
right up the road from ya. rain rain here,
how's it down there?

no photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:22 PM
This thread makes me think of the song Saturday in the Park.

Welcome to the site!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:23 PM
Hello and welcome

former Missoula gal here drinker

Sailcat's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:53 PM
Edited by Sailcat on Sun 06/12/11 01:54 PM

Hello and welcome

former Missoula gal here drinker

Small world.I was born and raised in Missoula, and I still remember when it was timber town. And Robert, my family comes from Madison County (Pony/Harrison area), and it's raining here too, which is better than the Blizzard we had Memorial Day weekend. The Park was paralyzed.

Nice to meet you all..

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 06/12/11 02:02 PM
Just little drizzles here on the coast...
i hated the snow in Montana when i was a kid.

Sailcat's photo
Sun 06/12/11 02:18 PM

Just little drizzles here on the coast...
i hated the snow in Montana when i was a kid.

I just noticed you're in Oregon (I'm not stalking you, I swear. I'm saving that for the holidays when things get dull). I lived in Deschutes County (Bend/LaPine area)from '03-'10, and I think I saw more snow there than I did growing up in Ol' Mazola. But you're on the other side of the hills, so I guess it's just soggy.

no photo
Sun 06/12/11 02:56 PM
Hello welcomed to the site.

no photo
Sun 06/12/11 03:00 PM
Welcome ! drinks

Sailcat's photo
Sun 06/12/11 03:27 PM
Thanks. I'll try to make myself useful somehow.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 06/12/11 03:29 PM

Just little drizzles here on the coast...
i hated the snow in Montana when i was a kid.

I just noticed you're in Oregon (I'm not stalking you, I swear. I'm saving that for the holidays when things get dull). I lived in Deschutes County (Bend/LaPine area)from '03-'10, and I think I saw more snow there than I did growing up in Ol' Mazola. But you're on the other side of the hills, so I guess it's just soggy.

it's ok, i don't feel stalked...

yeah, kinda soggy today

Sailcat's photo
Sun 06/12/11 03:50 PM
Edited by Sailcat on Sun 06/12/11 03:52 PM
There are nice points to rainy days, however.
Caught this yesterday:
Sorry. was a picture of a rainbow. Photobucket's killing me here.