Topic: Length.. - part 23
no photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:27 AM
maybe i'm already a member of a cartel.

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:32 AM
that might explain your frequent disappearances

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:39 AM
and the reason why i'm always loaded.

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:42 AM
well i was trying to leave that out of the public eye.

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:48 AM
i don't really care how much or little strangers know about me.

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:49 AM

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:51 AM
how so?

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:53 AM
partial return addresses laugh

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:56 AM
actually i don't care if you have my address or not.
i just didn't want you sending anything back.

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 12:58 AM
i know you didn't
but that would have been fair

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:00 AM
nothing is fair.
all is well.

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:02 AM
well if you say so

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:05 AM
where's your future wife?

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:07 AM
ok little one
it's 3am i must sleep
ttyl...sleep well asleep

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:07 AM what?

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:07 AM
avoiding the subject.
sleep if you must.

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:09 AM
i had one of those some time ago
but that was a different life

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:12 AM
go sleep.

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 01:13 AM

kc0003's photo
Sun 08/21/11 11:56 AM
counting down...