Topic: CDC says be prepared for zombie apocalypse | |
Federal public health officials want to make absolutely sure all Americans are prepared for the worst, whether "the worst" is a natural disaster, a pandemic, or even, believe it or not, a zombie apocalypse.
Have you ever given thought to what you would do if zombies invaded? It could happen! according not only to Hollywood, but also the Centers for Disease Control, not generally known for its sense of humor. The C-D-C is renowned more for its clinical observation, tracking things like Swine Flu. But this week, the C-D-C quietly published a blog alerting Americans that they need to be prepared for any disaster, including a zombie apocalypse! "It was the top tweet yesterday, it crashed our server a number of times" said Dr. Ali Khan, Director of the C-D-C's office of public health, preparedness and response, now dubbed the "zombie task force." his team was trying to think of a new way to tell people how to prepare for hurricane season, When they stumbled on the idea of a zombie invasion. "Public health preparedness allows us to think about the unexpected and unpredictable events, and I guess you can include zombies" said Dr. Khan. The blog has important and serious information about disaster preparedness, like creating an emergency kit, and planning evacuation routes for yourself and your neighbors. It's advice heeded even as flood waters rose recently throughout the southeast. The C-D-C blog uses humor to ease the anxiety that comes with thinking about potentially dangerous situations. "There's a lot of real things in this world that can lead to social, political and economic disruption" added Dr. Khan. "And zombies serve as a good way for us to be able to talk about that." Don't be scared, be prepared,even if all signs point to natural disaster; or zombies. You can read the C-D-C's blog on the "zombie apocalypse" and get some helpful tips while you're at it through their website. |
Since zombies don't exist I'm not worried about it.
Since zombies don't exist I'm not worried about it. i already took care of a bunch around here, so they are slowing down now... |
I believe Red would be able to give us all a quick survivors guide.
apparently they run Amuck in the Philippines... |
Since zombies don't exist I'm not worried about it. That's what my neighbor kept saying right up until they ate his brains. |
Since zombies don't exist I'm not worried about it. That's what my neighbor kept saying right up until they ate his brains. What did he say after that??? |
Since zombies don't exist I'm not worried about it. That's what my neighbor kept saying right up until they ate his brains. was it a big, furry gorilla looking zombie? |
Since zombies don't exist I'm not worried about it. That's what my neighbor kept saying right up until they ate his brains. What did he say after that??? Eeargah! |
Since zombies don't exist I'm not worried about it. That's what my neighbor kept saying right up until they ate his brains. What did he say after that??? Eeargah! |
nothing a 357 magnum, 270 or 12 guage won't take care of.
just wished i had some claymore mines ![]() |
You got to love it when a "serious" agency attempts to bring humor to their message. I was for sure this was an
nothing a 357 magnum, 270 or 12 guage won't take care of. just wished i had some claymore mines ![]() ![]() DUDE! I would steal heavy construction equipment and go postal on the zombies! You don't have to depend on head shots to insure they stay down. Also a Front Loader can do incredible damage! A flat zombie is not doing anything to anyone! Now likewise why waste ammo when a flame thrower, even a crude Hudson Sprayer filled with Gasoline would make Zombies run in terror becasue a cooked Zombie is also not harming anyone! OH GOD! JUST DRIVING A BIG SNOW BLOWER THROUGH A CROWD OF ZOMBIES WOULD BE THE SHIZZNIT! Guns are nice but not effective enough against large groups. Now don't get me wrong, I would arm up too since the occasional zombie just needs to have its head removed. Swords don't need ammo. Front Loaders don't take much effort to operate (but they do need diesel fuel). Now claymores? Include incendiary charges and set up a kill zone to either attract or drive the zombies into to maximize their effectiveness against something that does not feel pain and we have a real good time! And when we have left a field of the dead undead and someone comments about the smell of decay I would look at them and pull out a fat joint, spark up, and tell them that IS the smell of victory! Now remember everyone, when dealing with Zombies... In the head and not the chest, head shots are the very best! ![]() So where do I find some Zombies to Kill? Damn CDC got my hopes up again for nothing! ![]() |
this is too funny...a month ago my son actually drew up a map showing where the zombie nests,safe zones and borders are..even wrote down a list of supplies he would need to get from one place to another and how long it would take.
I was prepared before it was cool to be prepared.
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Since zombies don't exist I'm not worried about it. That's what my neighbor kept saying right up until they ate his brains. What did he say after that??? Eeargah! ![]() |
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