Topic: The Traveller and the Leprechaun
uk1971's photo
Tue 05/10/11 07:16 AM
Driving down a country road in Ireland, a commercial traveller was shocked to see the figure of a tiny little man, no more than a foot high standing by a gate hitching a ride.
At first the traveller did not believe his own eyes, but when he looked in the rear view mirror, sure enough, there was the wee little man gesticulating furiously. The driver reversed and opened the passenger door.
"Do you want a lift?"
He asked.
"Of course I do;'
Said the little man crossly.
"Did ye think I was waving me hand for the good of me health?"
He clambered in. The driver noticed that he was wearing a green suit, and a pointed hat.
"Excuse me for asking,"
Said the driver,
Are you a leprechaun?"
"What if I am?"
Asked the wee man.
"What business is that of yours?"
"None at all,"
agreed the driver.
I was just surprised, that's all."
"I suppose you didn't believe there were such people as Leprechauns?"
Said the other.
"I'm not surprised. Neither did I until I met one myself."
"I thought you WERE one?"
said the traveller.
"Only since last Friday."
Said the leprechaun.
"I USED to be a handsome young boy, a human being."
"What happened?"
Asked the driver.
"I met this leprechaun, that's what happened. I laughed at him and said he looked ridiculous. He cursed me and turned me into a leprechaun like himself."
"That's awful!"
Said the traveller.
They drove on, and came to a remote village.
"This is as far as I go."
Said the traveller.
"I've booked a room at the local hotel for the night."
'That's foine for you,"
Said the leprechaun.
"Where will I get a bed tonight?"
"You're welcome to share mine,"
Offered the traveller.
Tears of gratitude welled up in the leprechauns wrinkled eyes.
"God bless ye sor."
He said.
"The evil spirit that did this evil thing to me said it would last until I spent a night close to the warmth of another human beings body.2
The traveller booked into the hotel making sure that the leprechaun sneaked in through a back door, to avoid creating a sensation in the hotel.
Sure enough, the traveller awoke the next morning to find himself in bed with an extremely handsome young boy beside him.
'.............and THAT your honour, concludes the case for the defence!'

oops oops slaphead bigsmile :banana: