Topic: Why couldn't there be another way to become
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Mon 07/09/07 12:55 AM
A gold star member? I have friends I've talked to about joining and me sending their email adress to become a gold star member but no one I've talked to seems to want to or seem interested.

Katertots37's photo
Mon 07/09/07 12:56 AM
all you have to do is invite 3 friends to doesn't matter if they accept or not.

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Mon 07/09/07 12:56 AM
what do you mean by gold star member??? Just send out 3 emails to anyone and whether or not they join you get all the emoticons etc..... is that what you mean?

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Mon 07/09/07 12:57 AM
tatertots quit reading my mind!!!!grumble grumble laugh

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Mon 07/09/07 12:58 AM
Yes thank you Gypsi

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Mon 07/09/07 01:00 AM
Thank you too Katertots

Katertots37's photo
Mon 07/09/07 01:01 AM
laugh beat ya to it but he only thanked yougrumble

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Mon 07/09/07 01:01 AM
Thank you too Katertots

Katertots37's photo
Mon 07/09/07 01:01 AM
laugh your're welcome