Topic: HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN DEBT, And what must be done now
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Tue 04/26/11 09:20 PM
Jefferson once said that leaving the next generation with the debt of the present, was irresponsible, But as I will show you history not only agree's with his statement, leaving the debt to our children and grandchildren is just plain mean.

After the War for our Independence, which would have never won without the aid of the French military, The United States had a debt that grew to 75 million in 1789. Our Forefathers could not accept this debt that would be left for following generations and worked to reduce the debt to almost zero by the 1830's.

The Civil War almost bankrupt America, but again the Presidents worked hard to bring that debt in order.

1913 the Income tax implemented by President Wilson aided in our involvement with WW1. And it was those that had the most ability to pay, that paid.

American Families with incomes above $4,000 annually. That was a great income in 1913. Mostly the wealthier of American’s and above.

The Great depression of 1929 was another blow to our economy, But by the time WW2 erupted, Americans bought WAR Bonds by the billions as a responsible way to pay that debt off. Not today people.

In 1945 almost 100% of our debt was American owned.

Vietnam another mess, added to our debt, But we were still a manufacturing Nation of great exports.

Tough times ahead with the Arab oil embargo, and Nixon (Republican) removing us from the Gold standard would prove the U.S now could really start printing currency without anything backing it up.

Now for the TRUTH about our modern debt! and you CONS will not accept this because it hurts, and you played a big role in it.

1980 The Nations debt before Reaganomic's was 909 billion dollars, By the time he left office, America was addicted to spending with a debt of 2.6 TRILLION dollars. You might say he ended the cold war, Big deal Russia was more scared of us then we were of them. That spending at the time and big tax cuts for the wealthy were called by Bush I Voodoo economics, and was the beginning of our out of control fiscal irresponsibility.

Funny when Bush I was elected he wasn't much better at controlling the debt than Reagan,the debt would rise to approx.4 Trillion. You think someone got to him like they are now doing with Obama?

In 1992 Ross Perot along with most American's called for fiscal responsibility and Clinton won the Presidency, pretty much knowing that the American people, like myself had had enough, and wanted a Balanced budget.

Clinton knew he had to make tough decisions and cutting spending or raising taxes were about the only two ways he would achieve a balanced budget.

Certainly not giving Big Tax breaks to the top 5%.

But he did balance the budget and came up with a plan to pay down our debt, for the next 20 years, That is if Bush II would have continued it.

Bush II admitted he was only B student in economics, But an A student in his own words at giving tax cuts to the American people. (The Wealthiest did the best) TAX CUT'S during a WAR! when Bush II left office he never looked back at the 10+ TRILLION dollar debt, NO REGRETS!

This is all true guys You must remember I was there tracking this stuff. Since Reagan. It's just history.

Does anyone remember after Clinton balanced the budget the Debt Clock was shut off for a few years because it couldn't go backwards, that didn't last long after Bush got in office, It was started again.

When Bush II took office we had a debt of approx. 5 Trillion dollars. Bush got it running again faster than all Presidents that came before him. And he didn't care about the future debt left for the next generations. No regrets Remember!

By 2004 The debt climbed to 7.4 Trillion dollars, and unlike the debt from WW2, owned and financed by American's buying WAR Bond's, Bush II just added it to the National debt. Many of you here accepted that and elected him then.

Paul O'neil argued with the President that we can't keep spending at this pace without looking at raising taxes, Soon after Cheney asked Paul to report to the White house with his resignation, and wanted him to say he was looking forward to going back to the private sector.

NO! Paul wasn't going to lie! He just left and went home, Getting fired wasn't something a man of his fiscal knowledge was used to. so he just went home without a word. Bush wanted him to lie, But he was fired. Ahh the Bush lying again!

By 2008 our debt had climbed to 10 Trillion! can you believe this? The debt clock was flying along at unheard of speed.

Rumsfeld even held a press conference admitting that approx. 2.3 TRILLION Military dollars were now lost, not accountable, and you the tax payer will shoulder the burden. No outrage? didn't think so!

Let's take a good look at out budget in 1945, Almost all of it was American bond owned, Today over 50% is owned by Countries like China, Japan, India, and oil producing Nations.

A fiscal call in for their money from these Nations would cripple if not destroy the American economy.

President Eisenhower used this tactic the year I was born 1956, when the British and the French wanted war with Egypt, He knew a huge sum of British debt was owned by the United States and declared no involvement and threatened the British with calling in our money. Many Historians say this was the official end of the British Empire.

You can only Imagine the tremendous power China today has over the U.S. (Luckily they need us to import their goods) and Oil producing Nations that provide us with their products.

And when will the Petrodollar end? All this should wake you guys up? But it won't.

And what do you think of Greenspan in 2007 lowering interest rates in order to please the Stock Market only to leave you with savings that won't grow?

American's NEED to save But the incentives are all in the Stock Markets, and that alone can be scary.

China is the number one exporter of goods in the World, America is just about dead last, this can't go on, well it can for awhile, but we are on borrowed time.

Do you know the three largest exports of the United states are to China?

1. Electrical Machinery.
2. Nuclear Machinery.
3. Scrap metal

We have lost our place in the Worlds Manufacturing, and that is the flaw in Clinton's projected 20 years of a balanced budget. We tried to inform him of Fair Trade, Not just FREE TRADE! But like all modern Presidents The Big Boys prevail again.

But give credit where credit is due, he did balance a budget.

Printing more money will only add to other nations owning more of the US. We know there is a levy around us and it's ready to break, But most of you don't believe. You will believe soon when it breaks.

Obama probably went in to office with all the right intentions, But as we can see in modern History corruption is like cancer, and the President comes down with it pretty quickly.

The Baby Boomers will be using SS very quickly and at an amazing rate.

This raided trust fund will leave the future generations broke, when it should have been the sacred cow.

If you count all our debt's and the hidden agenda cost's, We owe about 60 Trillion dollars, We must fix it. sadly the economic truth will not be accepted by America until we witness it on our own soil. Then it will be too late.

If not fixed today, in a decade or so we will need a tax rate double what we are paying today. That's just to pay a small amount to SS and bare bones if any Government services.

As both Parties today have the same corrupt agenda, Only a Democrat would have the empathy not to cut “all” the needs of the littlest American.

But sadly, they also have an agenda that doesn't go far enough, or end the Republican's lynching of our society.

Mr. Ryan's steps should be a last resort.

If Paul Ryan wasn't working for Special Interest's and followed my steps first, we could stabilize the budget, and then maybe look at trimming home programs, only where needed. as a last resort.

End the Bush tax cuts to the Top 5%, we need the money badly.

No more earmarks to be funded. Sorry lobbyist's

Bring home our Troops from Japan and Germany, we can't afford this any longer, They can take care of themselves by now.

Time to get out of Iraq, and stop policing the World. We can't afford this.

That holds true for Civil WARS like LIBYA! We only help when another Country invades. No more sticking our noses in Civil WARS! We can’t afford.

Admit we can no longer fund other Nations with bribes just to be our friends.

If you enter this Country illegally, have a child. It won't get you a free pass. You must leave.

Migrant Workers? End that program, There are enough people in America that must fill these jobs in this economy.

We now hire foreigners to do these jobs, while Americans could be doing these minimum wage jobs and still keep some of their Government food and rent subsidies, until they get on their feet.

American's for America. Help will always be there, but we must in time, get people back working. It was once called “THE NEW DEAL” The time has come to renew that deal.

Restore $$$$$ The Trust Fund for Social Security, don't cut the percentage funding to 4% today, only to have it not be solvent down the road!

That's just plain crazy. And pass a law that it can't be raided, EVER!

These steps would protect the vital programs needed to ensure a decent standard of living for "MOST" American's and provide fairness to

These steps must come before cutting Jobs, Education, and our basic rights to take care of the elderly and working poor.

We can be the best looking horse in the glue factory, but what good will it do us?

Rome fell for three reasons,
Moral decline
Over extending it's military
Fiscal irresponsibility

Sound familiar. Like I said before, The Truth hurts. I'm sure most CONS will avoid this in the same way they avoid anything that doesn't blame anyone but themselves.

Clearly most Independent thinkers can see the GOP played a huge role in the mess we have to deal with today.

Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.
Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Tue 04/26/11 11:15 PM
Want to get rid of the national debt in a hurry?
It's really easier than you can imagine.

Take all the INTEREST AND INSURANCE we've been paying to the banks and insurance companies and make sure the government gets it instead of all the political bribes they've been buying them off with.
I'll guarantee you, we'll be out of debt and have all our other needs taken care of within a year.