Topic: there a problem with NO? | |
ummmmm my problem with the word NO is that i always read it backwards.....
do you have a problem with no? |
If you just shut up and let me have my way with you....."No" won't even be an issue....duh!
:) |
i love saying it i am stubborn |
i love you all almost as much as i like coconut milk....
and stefy fabulous paint job....i may have to try it this may....i've been wanting a new look but couldn't decide if i wanted tribal or more burlesque, at least for the day anyway |
No is one of my favorite words. I can't say what my ultimate favorite word is.
when "no" isnt an option
then "yes" is meaningless |
when "no" isnt an option then "yes" is meaningless quite thought provoking i love it.. |
No problem with the word no today! ! ! !
NO is NOt a problem with NOone except when NOthing is kNOwn to NObody.