Topic: Do you feel online friendships are as deep as face to face o | |
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Mon 04/11/11 09:14 AM
I have a friend who is a female, and I met her four years ago during a very terrible time of my life, (my daughter was colic-meaning she cried from 6 weeks old till about three years old) I was told this was supposed to end at 3 months, but my daughter had a serious problem.
My point is we are still extremely close. She is now one of my best friends and even though we dont live very close to one another, we see each other every year-we meet up at random places. I am so grateful for her. I have also met guys that I have been friends with for long time as well. I personally like internet better, It gives me a chance to communicate with someone and get to know them personally and not wondering if they are going to try and sleep with me on the second date. At sometime the communication gets stale, you move on. I dont even mind fake profiles...because people are crazy---I do find those with fake profiles will often come clean with you if they are truley interested in developing a genuine friendship. True some are just shallow, but it doesn't take long to catch them in lies when they are. . . and you just move on. Internet relations does force conversation a lot deeper I think than just meeting up for drinks and goofing off. |
I have a close friend I met here. She and I have been friends for almost 4 years now. She has helped me through some very hard times. I have never met her face to face.
Online friendships are something that you just take with a grain of salt, I would not put too much merit into who the other person really is but really it does not matter when you are just talking. You do not know if what the other person typing is telling the truth about what they are saying or if they are just trying to be someone they can not be in real life. It is hard to say if who you are talking to is a male or female Very true. |
yep..the whole time yer jerkin it to some"hot chick".."she"could be jerkin it too bahaha ![]() |
Hey faithful readers of other people's words(that's you silly). Answer me this, do you feel that when meeting people on the internet, you can connect with them on the same level as in face to face situations? For example, let's say you're a greatlooking girl with an interesting profile. Do you get responses such as A. "hey I'm Bob, from Kansas, I liked what you had to say"(honest) or B. "my name is Jocke. I'm an international studly man model who plays in the NFL, has a trillion dollars, and have saved the world from certain destruction 3 and a half times." (trying to impress). You see i'm brand new to this online connection stuff and am just wondering if people will be truthful to you or if they are simply trying to present themselves as something they're not. This interests me as I am trying to get out of the bar scene and the adorable yet annoying Flusies that come with it. Any oppinions? Nope. There always ends up being some sort of deception that could have been avoided if the "friendship" had originated in real life. In my opinion. |
My take on this is: If you are the kind of person who can establish good friendship with people you meet in person, then there's no reason you cannot do so with people online. The only difference will be the distance between you and your online friend/s and of course the caution that you have to give extra attention with. Mingling online requires intuitive perception of the people you'd choose to get to know. But if you have good enough perception of people, you'd get to acquire wonderful people from here. In a short period of time, I have earned some myself. Welcome to mingle and join the forums ![]() well stated ma'am! |
I feel that they can be more so. Online people have less inhibitions compared to real life interaction. They're not faced with the dilemas or distractions presented by face-to-face interaction and so they hold back less about themselves. It's a popular feeling that one can be more at ease, or themselves, when they're talking to someone online as opposed to real life.
However, this process can also work negatively. Someone might interpret these missing inhibitions as the opportunity to become someone more interesting than they believe themselves to be. And so they are more exagerated versions of themselves or else someone completely new. It really depends on the sort of person you're speaking to. Perhaps a shy person might open up more, removing a persona they display in real life interactions, but maybe a social person with little confidence in who they really are might mask themselves with a second persona. |
Well i don't know what it feels like meeting any friends offline? But i hope i'm able to in the future. I think if u meet a new friend offline nd u really av feeling for such person u can try to question the person nd from u can exchange IM or cell phone number |
Well i don't know what it feels like meeting any friends offline? But i hope i'm able to in the future. I think if u meet a new friend offline nd u really av feeling for such person u can try to question the person nd from u can exchange IM or cell phone number |
Hey faithful readers of other people's words(that's you silly). Answer me this, do you feel that when meeting people on the internet, you can connect with them on the same level as in face to face situations? For example, let's say you're a greatlooking girl with an interesting profile. Do you get responses such as A. "hey I'm Bob, from Kansas, I liked what you had to say"(honest) or B. "my name is Jocke. I'm an international studly man model who plays in the NFL, has a trillion dollars, and have saved the world from certain destruction 3 and a half times." (trying to impress). You see i'm brand new to this online connection stuff and am just wondering if people will be truthful to you or if they are simply trying to present themselves as something they're not. This interests me as I am trying to get out of the bar scene and the adorable yet annoying Flusies that come with it. Any oppinions? Nope. There always ends up being some sort of deception that could have been avoided if the "friendship" had originated in real life. In my opinion. |