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Topic: Everybody has a price
Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Mon 04/11/11 10:36 AM
Wow. Seriously, i wouldn't bother. That's putting a price on love. Love between two people should come naturally, otherwise it isn't real. Can't buy my love. Them people must be deadbeats.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Mon 04/11/11 03:58 PM

Check this one out! laugh
New website lets users bid dollars for dates

A man tired of not hearing back from good-looking girls on dating sites decided it was time for a service where you could use money to grease the wheels a bit.

"We did market research by getting a group of girls in a room. We showed them a picture of guy and said, 'Would you spend an hour going to Starbucks with this guy to get to know him?' Everyone said, 'No.' So then we said, 'What about for $10?' One girl suddenly said, 'Yes.' Eventually at some price every one of those girls said, 'Yeah I will invest one hour to get to know him.' So everyone has a price," says Whatsyourprice.com creator Brandon Wade.

Wade says his site operates similar to an auction.

"It's not too different than going to a charity event and bidding on that first date - You have the fireman up there, or the prom queen up there, and you're bidding to go out on a first date with him or her. We basically took that concept and turned that into mainstream dating."


Now, who's gonna despute my gold-digger theories I posted a while ago? :tongue:

That's just a little to much, but I guess that some people would do anything to have coffee with someone. Besides, how well can someone know someone else in an hour. Is amazing how dating has changed so much and what some are willing to do just to get one. :)

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