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willing2's photo
Thu 03/10/11 07:37 PM

GOV Walker released emails between them. Also there was a couple meetings between the 2 groups.

I guess you have a secret news source that only you get to see.

If the local news here in Milwaukee is secret then I guess so.

Media censorship goes on.
Extremist Progressive Liberals haven't caught on yet.slaphead

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 03/10/11 07:40 PM
They set standards all the time...

Standards that they use to keep lousy teachers on the payroll.
Standards that they use to keep cops on the payroll that even other cops don't want to work with.
Standards that prevent supervisors from removing a non working member of a crew from a Maintenance crew.
Standards that allow an Office Clerk to keep painting her fingernails as she points to the sign that says if you question her lack of activities you can get arrested (even as you loose an hours wages - and still have to pay her salery by your taxes).

I could go on...

But I am sure you know all this.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/10/11 09:46 PM

They do not set performance standards on their membership. Does that look good for other unions? NO!
Since when is it the job of any labor union to set employee performance standards? That is the job for the employer. What is it that you think labor unions are for?

You my friend live with your head in the clouds! THAT IS PART OF WHAT UNIONS WERE SUPPOSED TO DO! They WERE supposed to insure the people they had working at a given job ARE qualified! In construction Unions there are competency exams as well as employee ranking. A apprentice trains under a master. A journeyman is competent in their labor. A master has done it for several years in a professional vocation. That way a GC hiring from a union pool knows what skill levels they are getting as they need them. Not all jobs require Masters and some don't even need journeyman. If all you need are grunts apprentices will do!

UM... DUH!

Likewise if an EMPLOYER is stuck with a bad employee becasue union rules prevent them from firing an incompetent teacher then guess who is responsible! That has been plaguing the LA Unified school district for years! There are teachers they desperately want to get rid of to get better qualified people in their places!

You are cute when you are argumentative even if you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WRONG... AGAIN!:banana:


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