Topic: who beleave on god? can sciense knows the future?
varunchauhan's photo
Wed 03/09/11 08:36 AM
now a days we made lots of things almost all the things even we make a test tube baby then why we beleave on god? its a just mentaly satisfaction or really god is everywhere, why we beleave on 21st dec 2012?

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/09/11 08:55 AM
There are too many opinions on the unseen. I prefer to think it is possible for the existence of God but as we perceive God that is where we all go wrong.

Christians have a tough time grasping that God being all things is Good and Evil. Likewise Islam's god is vicious and vengeful and hates anyone not kowtowing to his will. So much for free will under Islam. With Hindi the gods are manifestations of natural forces and facets of mankind. With them there is no one "Supreme Being."

Science demands Empirical proof meaning you can get the same results repeating the experiment and others will as well. Now if God IS everything well our science will still have one hell of a time wrapping its head around a Sentient Universe and we are less than electrons swirling around the sun. If anything we are Muons on the Electron floating around the nucleus of an atom floating in a pimple's puss in a pimple on God's Azz!

Also the whole 12 21 2012 is based on the Mayan Calender when it resets. It is actually pretty meaningless but give people a reason to fear and they will. Hell everybody said that the turn of 2000 spelled the end of the world!

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 03/09/11 07:50 PM
Mayan calendar is allready out of sync...

It was made when the earth poles and rotation faced a diferent direction.

They never accounted for precessional rotation.

varunchauhan's photo
Sun 03/13/11 03:37 AM

There are too many opinions on the unseen. I prefer to think it is possible for the existence of God but as we perceive God that is where we all go wrong.

Christians have a tough time grasping that God being all things is Good and Evil. Likewise Islam's god is vicious and vengeful and hates anyone not kowtowing to his will. So much for free will under Islam. With Hindi the gods are manifestations of natural forces and facets of mankind. With them there is no one "Supreme Being."

Science demands Empirical proof meaning you can get the same results repeating the experiment and others will as well. Now if God IS everything well our science will still have one hell of a time wrapping its head around a Sentient Universe and we are less than electrons swirling around the sun. If anything we are Muons on the Electron floating around the nucleus of an atom floating in a pimple's puss in a pimple on God's Azz!

Also the whole 12 21 2012 is based on the Mayan Calender when it resets. It is actually pretty meaningless but give people a reason to fear and they will. Hell everybody said that the turn of 2000 spelled the end of the world!
yeah...i understand that what you trying to say but we can't ignore the 21-dec-2011(Mayan calendar) becouse after the 2000 we face lots of problem like lots of earth quick, climate change, sunami's and others. i post this topic on 9th march and everybody knows whats happen at 11th march in japan. so we cant neglect to natural powers or you can say god.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 03/13/11 06:41 PM
Don't believe to hard on that so called Mayan Calendar.

In 1990's they said that calendar ended in 2000. In 2000 they said the calendar ended in 2003. In 2003 it was magicaly retranslated to 2012...

Besides which the earths geomagnetic poles and indeed its 'spin' poles have changed a lot since the Mayans calculated their calendar...

And the Mayan Calendar did not take this into account... It is based on the stellar observations taken when the earth's 'spin' and axial facing was diferent.

i.e. It can not be considered as accurate.

varunchauhan's photo
Mon 03/14/11 11:22 AM

Don't believe to hard on that so called Mayan Calendar.

In 1990's they said that calendar ended in 2000. In 2000 they said the calendar ended in 2003. In 2003 it was magicaly retranslated to 2012...

Besides which the earths geomagnetic poles and indeed its 'spin' poles have changed a lot since the Mayans calculated their calendar...

And the Mayan Calendar did not take this into account... It is based on the stellar observations taken when the earth's 'spin' and axial facing was diferent.

i.e. It can not be considered as accurate.
yes...but how can they said...that was very ancient society thay are finished. everytime we are said that threw media, news pappers, and 1990,2000,2003 or 2012. may be you are correct...but why the whole world scared about that included lots of government and scientist...and why all the incident(sunami& earth quicks in japan and last year lots of country like chilli, thailand, pakistan, india etc) similar to 2012 movie just watch that. why the climate change last year even this year also...plz reply

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 03/14/11 12:03 PM
We are in an asteriod swarm.

Every time one of them crosses earth orbit at a close enough distance it 'disturbs' the earth/moon geophysical systems.

It happens every so many thousand years.

Nature is not just what happens on the earth but must (as our range of understanding increases) include things that effect us from beyond the earth.

There are currently 1204 known near earth asteroids crossing our orbit or within a range considered to be a 'possible hazzard' by NASA.

fireflysgirl's photo
Mon 03/14/11 12:43 PM
I think people created god(s) to explain the energy, or life force, we have within and around us!!! I am not a religious person, per say, but believe it has a place in the world by giving people rules or codes to live by to be respectable people so to speak! Some need these to feel they have a purpose in life & some people are more in tune with the flow of energy naturally!

These vibrational energy forces are affected by forces beyond the earth as adventurebegins stated! They can also be harnessed by healers here on earth and by people that are open to receiving this "divine" energy which leads to a nice theory about Jesus actually being a healer of this sort...but this is not the thread for explaining that in detail!