Topic: Ask a strange question of the person below you... - part 4 | |
Yup...just saw mirror
Do u like mirror? |
in my bathroom
Without looking...guess what time it is? |
But where.. in your / mine ? |
6:58 P.M. or 18:58 if you are using military time.
Do you hit the snooze alarm on your alarm clock ? |
Not anymore time is of the essence.., Remember that saying ?
Yes, I do remember that saying.
Do you remember the saying:"Time is money?" |
ya...I do...
is that applicable for rich peoples too? |
Edited by
Mon 06/13/11 10:16 AM
I guess so.
Aren`t rich people the ones with most of the money? |
Yes they do, but with very few people they can call real friends. Would you trade in a old reliable car for a brand new car ?
If the old car is reliabe than no.
Do you think sex is overrated? |
....May be for crazy pips.
Can just "Peace of mind" lead us to a happy life? |
No: true happiness requires personal fulfilment and the feeling of being whole.
How big does it get? |
As big as it can contain / sustain.
Feeling of being whom do that benefit? |
It benefits the self.
How many drinks does it take to get you "text the ex" drunk? |
I dont have any ex.
Are u adicted to drinks? |
No. I`m not allowed to drink any alcoholic drinks anymore because of my medications.
What alcoholic drinks do you like? |
not much...once in awhile a cold beer
Do you have any gravel pits where you are? |
Do u like river vallies? |
Only when I have company.
Do you like to camp out? |
Sure do one of my favorite things to do in life.
Do you like camping? |