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Thu 02/24/11 11:14 AM
Based on what a friend said."That because she has been disappointed and let down in love."she has decided not to give a chance for a second love.Even if you have been let down or disappointed in love,it does not mean that life is over or your heart is dead.Because we sometimes get disappointed along the way in life,so we should all learn how to give every situations(eilther good or bad) a second thought.For me if a person should live without true love,then it seems like he's dead! Because as long as the heart beats,'it means that a person is still alive.If you can be able to live without true love,then you are dead internally."please consider my advice,"don be explosive when ever a person that has let you down before asked for your forgiveness,always learn to forgive!"By taking a good decissions,there is a possibility for true happiness.".