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Topic: Men, Is there any possible advantage to having,
kc0003's photo
Sat 02/05/11 08:50 PM

Men, Is there any possible advantage to having,
A detachable penis?

You could send it to the Cleaners.
And ask for extra starch.


actionlynx's photo
Sun 02/06/11 07:50 PM
So, would detachable penises become family heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation?

"Now, honey, you are about to meet a very important family Member. He is quite old, and very experienced, and should be handled with respect. Oh, and by the way, his name is Dick."

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 02/06/11 08:06 PM

A detachable penis?

just a question posed in boredom...

ask a lesbian..i hear they have them

no photo
Sun 02/06/11 08:23 PM

A detachable penis?

just a question posed in boredom...

Remind me not to date anyone formerly known as bobbit.

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