Topic: Anime/Manga
davec921's photo
Sun 02/20/11 11:32 AM
not a clue on either one of those.
Let us know when you see them

Shayna1978's photo
Sun 02/20/11 08:23 PM

not a clue on either one of those.
Let us know when you see them

ur cute dave, but no help at all. lol

no photo
Sun 02/27/11 03:14 AM
Naruto anyone??? So far its the best anime just makes a boi think about dragon ball Z in it time.

no photo
Sun 02/27/11 03:14 AM
Naruto anyone??? So far its the best anime just makes a boi think about dragon ball Z in it time.

Shayna1978's photo
Sun 02/27/11 07:42 PM

Naruto anyone??? So far its the best anime just makes a boi think about dragon ball Z in it time.

I have waaay too much ADD for Naruto. I mean how many times did that red haired chick get kidnapped?


How many Dragon Ball Z Characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Nicolesnooki's photo
Thu 03/03/11 04:34 PM
Naruto Shippuden!

sanelunasea's photo
Fri 03/04/11 12:28 AM

How many Dragon Ball Z Characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Less than the number of DBZ fans it takes to screw in a lightbulb?

ShiningArmour's photo
Sat 03/05/11 07:43 AM

How many Dragon Ball Z Characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Less than the number of DBZ fans it takes to screw in a lightbulb?


Shayna1978's photo
Mon 03/07/11 07:45 PM

How many Dragon Ball Z Characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Less than the number of DBZ fans it takes to screw in a lightbulb?

THE ANSWER IS: It only takes one DBZ character, but it takes them 10 episodes to do it.

Monier's photo
Tue 03/08/11 11:27 PM

How many Dragon Ball Z Characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Less than the number of DBZ fans it takes to screw in a lightbulb?

No, seriously, one of the most popular anime's internationally ever.

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/09/11 09:11 AM
Ya ever notice? In anime the characters get maimed, bloodied, and even killed.

In american cartoons they never even get hurt! There's a bunch of stupid humorless gags and then evreyone goes home for cake and ice cream.

Why not make a great cartoon where there is lots of fights,love,and sometimes death. Like the japanese cartoons

Monier's photo
Wed 03/09/11 10:23 AM

Ya ever notice? In anime the characters get maimed, bloodied, and even killed.

In american cartoons they never even get hurt! There's a bunch of stupid humorless gags and then evreyone goes home for cake and ice cream.

Why not make a great cartoon where there is lots of fights,love,and sometimes death. Like the japanese cartoons

That would be fantastic and there are a couple very good US artists that could do it but the FCC won't allow animation that contains violence, blood or death to be shown on regular tv programming.

DBZ is the perfect example of this. Despite running for 291 episodes, the FFC will only allow up to between the first 50 to 60 episodes to be shown on non cable programming.

In Japan, animation is for everyone. In the US it is for kids. This is pretty sad.

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/09/11 10:43 AM

Ya ever notice? In anime the characters get maimed, bloodied, and even killed.

In american cartoons they never even get hurt! There's a bunch of stupid humorless gags and then evreyone goes home for cake and ice cream.

Why not make a great cartoon where there is lots of fights,love,and sometimes death. Like the japanese cartoons

That would be fantastic and there are a couple very good US artists that could do it but the FCC won't allow animation that contains violence, blood or death to be shown on regular tv programming.

DBZ is the perfect example of this. Despite running for 291 episodes, the FFC will only allow up to between the first 50 to 60 episodes to be shown on non cable programming.

In Japan, animation is for everyone. In the US it is for kids. This is pretty sad.

That is so true! If you don't want the action,the blood,and the reality that yes people can die. CHANGE THE CHANNEL

I ask that every time I watch TV why can't people get hurt and get into epic fights?

Now I know. Thanks for that info

ajagirl's photo
Thu 03/10/11 06:11 AM
I Love Dragon Ball Z

Akira Toriyama is truly a legend.happy

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/11/11 05:29 AM

I Love Dragon Ball Z

Akira Toriyama is truly a legend.happy

I tried watching a few times. There is just WAY to much filler!

I mean yea the fights are epic and the characters are awesome but move the story a bit faster.

Monier's photo
Fri 03/11/11 05:36 AM

I Love Dragon Ball Z

Akira Toriyama is truly a legend.happy

I tried watching a few times. There is just WAY to much filler!

I mean yea the fights are epic and the characters are awesome but move the story a bit faster.

I hear you. laugh

The entire series is like one big animated soap opera. They build you up every episode, but then on friday they finally deliver.

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:41 PM

I Love Dragon Ball Z

Akira Toriyama is truly a legend.happy

I tried watching a few times. There is just WAY to much filler!

I mean yea the fights are epic and the characters are awesome but move the story a bit faster.

I hear you. laugh

The entire series is like one big animated soap opera. They build you up every episode, but then on friday they finally deliver.

The DBZ Kai versions is more straight to the point. It took out all the filler. The first Saga is 15 episodes maybe? But I am a DBZ fanboy. It got me into anime.

Shayna1978's photo
Fri 03/11/11 10:35 PM

Ya ever notice? In anime the characters get maimed, bloodied, and even killed.

In american cartoons they never even get hurt! There's a bunch of stupid humorless gags and then evreyone goes home for cake and ice cream.

Why not make a great cartoon where there is lots of fights,love,and sometimes death. Like the japanese cartoons

One of the few was the GI Joe movie with the alien spores. Damn sensitive 90s.

ajagirl's photo
Sat 03/12/11 03:11 AM

I Love Dragon Ball Z

Akira Toriyama is truly a legend.happy

I tried watching a few times. There is just WAY to much filler!

I mean yea the fights are epic and the characters are awesome but move the story a bit faster.

Ohh really, but the Manga was really good, I only have the book and I read from right to left.

ShiningArmour's photo
Sat 03/12/11 05:42 AM

I Love Dragon Ball Z

Akira Toriyama is truly a legend.happy

I tried watching a few times. There is just WAY to much filler!

I mean yea the fights are epic and the characters are awesome but move the story a bit faster.

Ohh really, but the Manga was really good, I only have the book and I read from right to left.

Manga is usually different from anime. If you watch HunterXHunter and then you read the manga the story is different. At least in the beginning.

And It's great you read from right to left. That's the original format. Or so I've read