Topic: Unemployment? Who are we to blame?
Zimzane's photo
Wed 02/02/11 06:03 PM

I have seen many people who have worked many years of their lives, and then they get laid off never to be called back to work. They also struggle to find jobs after they have been laid off.

Who are we to blame? The econonmy or the individuals for not finding work?

willing2's photo
Wed 02/02/11 06:14 PM
The incentive to move production overseas, hiring of cheap labor, bothe legal and Illegal Immigrants ahead of US Citizens, greedy Corps and corrupt politicians mainly.

Then, there are those who sit on the welfare extensions and refuse work.


no photo
Wed 02/02/11 06:14 PM

Indian Chief, "Two Eagles," was asked by a white government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years.

You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied.

"When white man find land, Indians running it. No taxes, No debt, Plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, Clean Water; women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."

Then the chief leaned back and smiled. "Only white man dumb enough think he improve system like that."

....I blame the white man too...:laughing:

willing2's photo
Wed 02/02/11 06:18 PM

Indian Chief, "Two Eagles," was asked by a white government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years.

You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied.

"When white man find land, Indians running it. No taxes, No debt, Plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, Clean Water; women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."

Then the chief leaned back and smiled. "Only white man dumb enough think he improve system like that."

....I blame the white man too...:laughing:

Ya' make one hellofa good point!:thumbsup:

no photo
Wed 02/02/11 06:40 PM

Indian Chief, "Two Eagles," was asked by a white government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years.

You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied.

"When white man find land, Indians running it. No taxes, No debt, Plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, Clean Water; women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."

Then the chief leaned back and smiled. "Only white man dumb enough think he improve system like that."

....I blame the white man too...:laughing:

winking Ain't that the truth. slaphead

Greed takes you down...always trying to fix what ain't broke. There
are ways to improve/add to things without destroying them, although
some people haven't figured that out yet. Change is not ALWAYS for
the better. ohwell

Also sadly to say, yes, there are the ones that prefer to rely on
welfare and other governement programs, or just live off others-
relatives, bf's/gf's, etc.

no photo
Wed 02/02/11 07:12 PM


I have seen many people who have worked many years of their lives, and then they get laid off never to be called back to work. They also struggle to find jobs after they have been laid off.

Who are we to blame? The economy or the individuals for not finding work?
Blame the Government for the recent out-break of THIS,
because THEY should have Perceived what what going to happen upon the fall of the Mega giant bank lenders on Wall to FIRST come to the concept that """THEY""" needed to bail them out ,,(figuring I'm sure another depression) So by them LENDING these banks the funds to HELP THEM MAINTAIN,,,,they(GOV.)should have realized that the Mortgage swaps,
would mean many Americans were going to be losing homes,,and JOBS through CORPORATION CHANGES,,,and THEN,,,Announce that ANY American Corp,or company who wants to LEAVE the U.S.A. and CLOSE THEIR PLANTS and THEIR OPERATIONS HERE,,,,WOULD BE FINE,,,,,,HOWEVER,,,,,,,
Then if ANY of those Companies WANTED to make their products in another Country,,and STILL REMAIN SELLING THEIR PRODUCTS HERE IN THE USA,
We have LOST over three MILLION jobs since the Wall Street bailouts,,
and THOSE JOBS LOST,,,TOOK their Company and its workers over Fifty years to be THAT COMPANY,,,Five decades of Growth to BECOME A PLANT of 1500
HOW,,,,as that happen to over 30,000 Companies here,,who LEFT..
How do we even START to gain back FIFTY years of MAKING?
WE use to MAKE 60 PERCENT,, (in the 50's) of ALL our GOODS,,,,then we(COMPANIES) started looking for CHEAPER COSTS and found OTHER Countries SELLING an ITEM CLOSE to what they were buying here American Made,,,and that Countries PRICE for THEIR PRODUCT,,,was thirty to fifty percent LESS,,than the American made THAT COMPANY STOPPED BUYING OURS,,and started buying THERE'S,,and trinkle down effects of that,,,,Less that WE MADE HERE,
LESS that the companies who made them here could no-longer stay in Production,,,so they folded,,,,,
So for the last thirty years,,we IMPORT almost everything that WE CAN BUY HERE,,,and Our Government and US PEOPLE should never have let THAT,,,SLIDE AWAY,,,WE cannot be held AT BAY,,,to get what we NEED or WANT,,by another Country,,Because WE DON'T HAVE-IT,,or MAKE-IT,,,
TAKE OIL,,,FOR EXAMPLE,,,,,,,,wink

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/02/11 07:12 PM


I have seen many people who have worked many years of their lives, and then they get laid off never to be called back to work. They also struggle to find jobs after they have been laid off.

Who are we to blame? The econonmy or the individuals for not finding work?

Problem with our economy re jobs...

When being a Senator or Congressperson became a life long carreer... That is one job we should farm out to a new crop every few years.

Would have prevented a lot of the mess we currently find ourselves in.

Fixin it might require firing some of them career politicians.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/02/11 07:13 PM
Ask the Pueblo indians if that life was really soooo good...

After the Majove came calling for their crops and goods...

Some people have rose glases when it comes to actual history.

Totage's photo
Wed 02/02/11 07:16 PM


I have seen many people who have worked many years of their lives, and then they get laid off never to be called back to work. They also struggle to find jobs after they have been laid off.

Who are we to blame? The econonmy or the individuals for not finding work?

There's alot of reasons, I don't think you can blame one single thing, it's many things. I have noticed things picking up slightly lately though.

Chazster's photo
Wed 02/02/11 09:04 PM
I know 1000 people from my previous employer who lost their jobs because of the new administration. rofl

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/02/11 09:32 PM


I have seen many people who have worked many years of their lives, and then they get laid off never to be called back to work. They also struggle to find jobs after they have been laid off.

Who are we to blame? The economy or the individuals for not finding work?
Blame the Government for the recent out-break of THIS,
because THEY should have Perceived what what going to happen upon the fall of the Mega giant bank lenders on Wall to FIRST come to the concept that """THEY""" needed to bail them out ,,(figuring I'm sure another depression) So by them LENDING these banks the funds to HELP THEM MAINTAIN,,,,they(GOV.)should have realized that the Mortgage swaps,
would mean many Americans were going to be losing homes,,and JOBS through CORPORATION CHANGES,,,and THEN,,,Announce that ANY American Corp,or company who wants to LEAVE the U.S.A. and CLOSE THEIR PLANTS and THEIR OPERATIONS HERE,,,,WOULD BE FINE,,,,,,HOWEVER,,,,,,,
Then if ANY of those Companies WANTED to make their products in another Country,,and STILL REMAIN SELLING THEIR PRODUCTS HERE IN THE USA,
We have LOST over three MILLION jobs since the Wall Street bailouts,,
and THOSE JOBS LOST,,,TOOK their Company and its workers over Fifty years to be THAT COMPANY,,,Five decades of Growth to BECOME A PLANT of 1500
HOW,,,,as that happen to over 30,000 Companies here,,who LEFT..
How do we even START to gain back FIFTY years of MAKING?
WE use to MAKE 60 PERCENT,, (in the 50's) of ALL our GOODS,,,,then we(COMPANIES) started looking for CHEAPER COSTS and found OTHER Countries SELLING an ITEM CLOSE to what they were buying here American Made,,,and that Countries PRICE for THEIR PRODUCT,,,was thirty to fifty percent LESS,,than the American made THAT COMPANY STOPPED BUYING OURS,,and started buying THERE'S,,and trinkle down effects of that,,,,Less that WE MADE HERE,
LESS that the companies who made them here could no-longer stay in Production,,,so they folded,,,,,
So for the last thirty years,,we IMPORT almost everything that WE CAN BUY HERE,,,and Our Government and US PEOPLE should never have let THAT,,,SLIDE AWAY,,,WE cannot be held AT BAY,,,to get what we NEED or WANT,,by another Country,,Because WE DON'T HAVE-IT,,or MAKE-IT,,,
TAKE OIL,,,FOR EXAMPLE,,,,,,,,wink

The signs were there, for sure!
The heaviest of the blow could have been deflected, but denial was the course of the day. Rather than do something about the coming of events they tried to ignore them. Hoping that the elections would come before all hell broke loose.

Does anyone remember this? Many od you should because you sided with them.

2 years ago!!
Jul 9th, 2008

“Ah quit your whining... it's a mental recession.”

In an interview with the Washington Times today, former senator Phil Gramm, who is Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) “econ brain,” blamed the state of the economy on “the conviction of many Americans that economic conditions are the worst in two or three decades.” “You’ve heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession,” said Gramm.

Gramm decried the “constant whining” of the American people when it comes to the economy because he believes “we’ve never been more dominant”:

“We have sort of become a nation of whiners,” he said. “You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline” despite a major export boom that is the primary reason that growth continues in the economy, he said.

“We’ve never been more dominant; we’ve never had more natural advantages than we have today,” he said. “We have benefited greatly” from the globalization of the economy in the last 30 years.

Despite McCain’s recent claim that we are in a recession, he has previously echoed Gramm’s diagnosis of the economy. In April, McCain said that “a lot of our problems today, as you know, are psychological.”

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/02/11 09:33 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 02/02/11 09:34 PM
And then the bottom fell out!

I hate to rain on your disillusioned parade again folks, but I don't forget!

No one should!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/02/11 09:36 PM

I know 1000 people from my previous employer who lost their jobs because of the new administration. rofl

