Topic: Palestine or Israel
Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:14 PM
I'd shave someones head and make them walk backwords too.
But, hey that's just what I'd do.laugh laugh laugh laugh

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:16 PM
Palestine FTW.smokin

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:20 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 01/30/11 06:23 PM

And yes,
If Israel didn't comply with my demands I order naval ships to open fire and drive them back.

that a threat?... that way of why it will never be solved...this stubborness and stupîdity regular working people will continue to suffer!

A threat?

That's what I'd do. They'd either back off or be driven back.
Of course I'd give them time to comply and be open to three party negotiations on how far was far enough.
I might even include Iran and get them to relinquish their Nuclear aspirations in exchange.

Why do you think the Muslims hate America and the West so much?

Do you think it might have something to do with our one-sided support for Israel and the US sanctioned Genocide on Palestinians?

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:21 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sun 01/30/11 06:22 PM

The Israelis have created their own version of history.
They are notorious liars who fabricate the lies in an attempt to justify their terrorist actions in the creation of Israel.

so are the muslims... so what? i wasn't there, so i only know what i read... But it is hard to refute something that has been written on a wall of a palace for 2000 years...

Next, the Extreme Left will claim there never was a Holocaust and Hitler was just misunderstood.

The anti-zionist argument has much longer been a "right" issue than a "left" one. Check out "The Controversy Of Zion", written by a very "right-wing" fellow-Douglas Reed. It's only relatively recently that so-called right wing folks have made Israel one of their pet issues-and that due mostly to the influence of Neo-conservatives and ignoramuses on the "religious right".

willing2's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:21 PM
Looks as if I might live to witness Armegedon.

no photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:22 PM
still Neither...To Isralis...and Palestine's...GROW UP!

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:23 PM

And yes,
If Israel didn't comply with my demands I order naval ships to open fire and drive them back.

that a threat?... that way of why it will never be solved...this stubborness and stupîdity regular working people will continue to suffer!

laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker drinker drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:26 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 01/30/11 06:29 PM

The Israelis have created their own version of history.
They are notorious liars who fabricate the lies in an attempt to justify their terrorist actions in the creation of Israel.

so are the muslims... so what? i wasn't there, so i only know what i read... But it is hard to refute something that has been written on a wall of a palace for 2000 years...

Next, the Extreme Left will claim there never was a Holocaust and Hitler was just misunderstood.

The anti-zionist argument has much longer been a "right" issue than a "left" one. Check out "The Controversy Of Zion", written by a very "right-wing" fellow-Douglas Reed. It's only relatively recently that so-called right wing folks have made Israel one of their pet issues-and that due mostly to the influence of Neo-conservatives and ignoramuses on the "religious right".

That's OK because I'm neither Pube nor Dem.

I'm a Fanta-tastican.
Live and in Dolby!laugh

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:28 PM
I'd reward my troops all with a free Palin bang and 20,000 packs of Trident gum.drinks
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh rofl rofl rofl shocked

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:31 PM

Israel FTW

no photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:32 PM

I'd reward my troops all with a free Palin bang and 20,000 packs of Trident gum.drinks
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh rofl rofl rofl shocked

really?...that's how u would reward the troops?...

willing2's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:33 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 01/30/11 06:35 PM
Then make the losers pull a train on Michelle O.

That would be inhumane.

Give 'em a choice. Do her or die.laugh laugh laugh laugh

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:42 PM
Edited by boredinaz06 on Sun 01/30/11 06:42 PM

I'd reward my troops all with a free Palin bang and 20,000 packs of Trident gum.drinks
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh rofl rofl rofl shocked

laugh laugh laugh nice, where do I sign uplaugh

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:45 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 01/30/11 06:46 PM

I'd reward my troops all with a free Palin bang and 20,000 packs of Trident gum.drinks
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh rofl rofl rofl shocked

really?...that's how u would reward the troops?...

That wouldn't be much of a reward.
It wouldn't be much of an enticement to get the Israelis to back off either.
But, it's all I could think of that she might be good for.

laugh laugh

willing2's photo
Sun 01/30/11 06:51 PM
Who would yo rather get it on with,


Or this>

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:01 PM

Who would yo rather get it on with,


Or this>

I'm so gawddamn horny the dog looks good!laugh But I saw the movie who's nailin Palin and it was good!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:05 PM
She looks good until she speaks.laugh laugh laugh

willing2's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:18 PM
Fact is, I wouldn't want either one in the Whitehouse.

As far as which one is the most doable, I pick Palin, hands down.

As far as Egypt, I fear, the Muslims will get the helping hand from Hussein.

He did say, he'd stand with them.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:21 PM

Fact is, I wouldn't want either one in the Whitehouse.

As far as which one is the most doable, I pick Palin, hands down.

As far as Egypt, I fear, the Muslims will get the helping hand from Hussein.

He did say, he'd stand with them.

willing2's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:26 PM

Fact is, I wouldn't want either one in the Whitehouse.

As far as which one is the most doable, I pick Palin, hands down.

As far as Egypt, I fear, the Muslims will get the helping hand from Hussein.

He did say, he'd stand with them.

Wonder if he's conferring with Bush as to which way to go?laugh laugh