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michiganman3's photo
Wed 01/26/11 02:09 PM
Get over to King Kong's for an Gyros sandwich! I was in there at Christmas time.
Take some man you met from here and he will fall in love.
If not with you, then with the Gyros.

Welcome and have fun.

no photo
Wed 01/26/11 02:44 PM
You are welcome.well I can say it's good to be here.But let everything about you be truely real.

vthepoet's photo
Wed 01/26/11 02:53 PM
Welcome, and in the searching for people you can specifically check looking for christians and what not if ye feel the need to.

Mind you some of the best people are spirituals like me ;-P

Have fun be safe.


no photo
Wed 03/09/11 11:21 AM
YES IM A GOOD BOY............

FindMe1113's photo
Wed 03/09/11 11:32 AM

WELCOME to Mingle2waving

no photo
Wed 03/09/11 11:59 AM
Of course you belong here, so long as you can handle the raunch. It's mostly good innocent fun. No harm meant. (I looked at your profile. You are very cute. You will find some friends here).

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