Topic: Religion attracts hucksters... | |
Mark 13:13 You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. Christian haters: Making Jesus' prophecies come true one day at a time. Not believing in is not 'hatred'... Simply because a person intreprets gods message in a way different from yours is not reason to assume that the person 'hates' your view... I see and hear this particular quote used all the time to denigrate anyone that has a differing opinion. Personally I think that most of the time when a person 'hates' another it is directly related to the way that 'other' treats the people arround him... and has nothing to do with the Name of Jesus. AdventureBegins, Please read through the first 3 pages of this thread. Come back and let me know if you find anything said about Christians or Christianity that is hateful. I'm not talking about rejecting Christianity, but maybe...saying that Christians want you to become a Christian or die. Or that Christians are hateful to anyone who doesn't kiss their butt in the name of God (whatever that means). Just look around and let me know what you find. |