Topic: Rate my Picture Girls
inpuneet's photo
Sun 01/23/11 12:31 AM
Edited by inpuneet on Sun 01/23/11 12:32 AM
Rate my Picture Girls any one intrested

wux's photo
Sun 01/23/11 07:29 AM

Rate my Picture Girls any one intrested

I am not a girl. I used to have a job in which sometimes I had to act as a girl. (Don't ask.)

So I am at least semi-qualified to answer your call.

You look dashing, handsome, typically very manly and good.

The flowers make you look gay, and on the second look, the fact you are into girls is not a sign that you are not gay. Your much too much good looks can indicate that to some people, as well as a hint of need to reassurance about a trait that we call "shallow", that is, putting a big part of interest on physical appearance.

You see, gay people have learned that their main attractiveness is their looks and youth; and because they get abused in their youths, if not by peers, then by their own tortorous thoughts around realizing that they are different, and by their perplexion over this difference, what caused it, wht they are denied the possibility of personal happiness attained via customarily expected lifestyles, like raising a family, etc., questioning why they are different, and find it generally unjust just at first -- because they get a mega-dose of sensitivity training, they turn out to be together people, more than the average straight male. But this also brings out a tendency to be overly sensitive and responsive to any emotion, incl. narcissistic tendencies.

There are a lot of tears shed around the time of consciously discovering this in males, and this makes them feel sensitive to hurts, and also sensitive to other people's feelings.

This also makes gay people a bit unsure, and if they have a tendency to be weak in the ego department, then this is amplified by their fate.

If you are worried, or are getting angry, please don't, I am not saying you are gay at all. I am just saying that these may or might be the first impressions of some people of you.

Especially the flowers and your impeccably good looks, and the fact that the question you asked first and as an only question is about your looks.

And whether you are gay or not, which is not for me to say, the girls will love you. Girls are much more readily accepting of gays than straight males are. And if it turns out that you are not gay, BINGO, they will love you even more.

So from my point, your picture shows you as extremely handsome, and it's a plus for you with the girls, no matter what.

Welcome to this site, and have fun on the forums.

inpuneet's photo
Fri 02/11/11 09:29 AM