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Topic: Adios Olbermann..
Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/23/11 04:39 PM

They gotta' do something to catch up to FOX ratings.laugh laugh laugh

There is a certain type of people who stay at home and watch tv. They are called shut ins, they are a demographic that are easy targets for marketing. Ya know those people who buy Shamwows. Most of us progresives are not this type of people. Anyhow to claim fox news is good or informative because it is the most popular with americans who sit in at home seems to me rather laughable.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/23/11 04:41 PM
Do you know why Repubs watch FOX News?

They're too lazy to change the channel.rofl rofl rofl rofl

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 01/23/11 04:58 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sun 01/23/11 04:58 PM

Do you know why Repubs watch FOX News?

They're too lazy to change the channel.rofl rofl rofl rofl

Foxes claim that they are the most watched CABLE news is true. They are realy the mouse that roared. in short... ABC, NBC and CBS nightly news all beat fox... then fox beats CNN and MSNBC...

that's the real ratings order... But knoweing who owns what media I dont realy trust any of t hem to give an honest account of world affairs.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 01/23/11 06:47 PM
In the space of one year, Fox News has lost its perch as the most trusted TV news network in the US and is now average at best, a new survey has found.

A poll gauging public trust in TV news has found that PBS is the most trusted name in news, while trust in Fox News has dropped significantly.

According to a survey from Public Policy Polling, "a year ago a plurality of Americans said they trusted Fox News. Now a plurality of them don't."

In a survey taken a year ago, PPP found that Fox was the most trusted news network, with 49 percent saying they trusted the network, and 37 percent saying they did not. In the new poll, 42 percent said they trusted the network while 46 percent disagreed.

The new reigning champion is PBS, which was not included in last year's inaugural poll. The public broadcaster was found to be trusted by 50 percent of respondents, and distrusted by 30 percent -- the closest any news network has come to gaining the trust of a majority of Americans.


damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 01/23/11 06:58 PM
I feel a shift in the cable news force. The shift has become unEven!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/23/11 08:25 PM

MSNBC is owned by General Electric hardly a liberal organization. This should serve as a wake up call that the Media is simply a propaganda arm of corperate america. So yes the same people who wrecked the economy also control most of the information you recieve to form an opinion.

Its a sad day for sure just one more nail in the coffin of the american dream.

Comcast owns NBC Universal.

Sad day bullshiit he breached the terms of his contract by monetary donations to three Democrats and he claimed he didn't know he couldn't do it. Typical liberal, they screw up and its never their fault.

Good riddance.

At least they are American owned!

The same can't be said for FOX News.

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 01/23/11 11:04 PM
I think I just blew my own mind with this thought at 2am;

1. Fox is against the mainstream media because its too bias and does not report real news.

2. Fox has more viewers than any other cable news.

3. So wouldn't that make Fox mainstream at this point?

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/24/11 10:53 PM
He will be missed.

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