Topic: Quick thought. | |
Wait.! Its all confusing. Lets say i travelled to future from 2011.. I travelled to 2020.. So, its obvious that there wont be any trace of me in 2011, my parents would be looking for me.! So, in 2020, i killed the future Ash(not me)., will i be alive or i will dissapear in thin air.?? This question cant be answered. Maybe messing with the timeline destroys that dimension. To travel to the future, you can do that, but you must travel at the speed of light. So when your parents look for you, you are moving very fast in some direction. They can't see you, they can't find you. You slow down in 2020. We, at normal speed, can see you again. You will have aged less than nine years, while we all aged nine years in the interim. If you kill yourself then, we will see you died, and we'll bury you. If you kill yourself before you slow down to our speed, and there is nothing to slow you down, then you will die, and nobody on earth will find you again. This has to do with relativity, the famous equation by Eisenstein, and that gives me a headache, coz the equations make sense after a while, but the series of equations and their proof that lead from normal world to that world and when the equations start to make sense again, that proof I can't comprehend. There are other tricks involved, like your mass becoming extremely big... go on a diet before you buy the tickets for the trip. ---- There is a quantum-mechanical way in which the future happens before the present...but that won't put you ahead two minutes, but only nanoseconds, or picoseconds, and that even only if you are lucky. ---- I don't know this stuff, I just know ABOUT this stuff. Big difference. I heard these things, but could not show you the math, or show you the phenomena that prove the math. |
Wait.! Its all confusing. Lets say i travelled to future from 2011.. I travelled to 2020.. So, its obvious that there wont be any trace of me in 2011, my parents would be looking for me.! So, in 2020, i killed the future Ash(not me)., will i be alive or i will dissapear in thin air.?? This question cant be answered. Maybe messing with the timeline destroys that dimension. all it would really do is tell you when and how your gunna die... you created your own future... |
Wait.! Its all confusing. Lets say i travelled to future from 2011.. I travelled to 2020.. So, its obvious that there wont be any trace of me in 2011, my parents would be looking for me.! So, in 2020, i killed the future Ash(not me)., will i be alive or i will dissapear in thin air.?? This question cant be answered. Maybe messing with the timeline destroys that dimension. all it would really do is tell you when and how your gunna die... you created your own future... or he screwed up the future of the other other ash... Would he have killed the ash that he would have been had he not decided to travel to the future. (cause if he traveled so he would not have 'lined' futurward he would have simply 'arrived' without benefit of 'straight line journey - ergo he would be there but the he he might have been would not have traveled there because he removed himself from the time line to make the journey. so he would have (if he met a self of him) not been 'killing' himself... but another self... |
Well, yeah i think Adventurebegins make sense.. The future Ash would be killed but not the Ash who time travelled.. But this would disturb the time cycle.. Ash isnt in the year 2011, that means i wont be in 2011-2019., n suddenly he came in 2020, the 9 yr time gap must be destroyed.!
Well, yeah i think Adventurebegins make sense.. The future Ash would be killed but not the Ash who time travelled.. But this would disturb the time cycle.. Ash isnt in the year 2011, that means i wont be in 2011-2019., n suddenly he came in 2020, the 9 yr time gap must be destroyed.! to you there would be no time gap. You are you. To the timelline you did not travel you would simply be one of thousands of missing people. Unless when you so journyed you left a 'copy' of you in the time line... That would change everything. |
Youve been watching Futurama, havent you? And the theme songs echos in my head....think I'll share it. |
Hmm.. I was reading about all this on google. Some scientists say that small particles time travel to future when they are near to speed of light. They travel 2 mins into future.. Thats a short time. There is a possibility of travelling to future but not past. So, the question arrises- if u travel to future 5yrs from now Assuming this is true, there is probably a law that only allows particles to travel a certain amount of time into the future, based on other qualities the particle has. n you killed urself, will you be alive.?? No. If you traveled some length of time into the future, you would be absent from our universe for that length of time. There would be at most one of you at any point in time, so you can't kill yourself. |
Hmm.. I was reading about all this on google. Some scientists say that small particles time travel to future when they are near to speed of light. They travel 2 mins into future.. Thats a short time. There is a possibility of travelling to future but not past. So, the question arrises- if u travel to future 5yrs from now Assuming this is true, there is probably a law that only allows particles to travel a certain amount of time into the future, based on other qualities the particle has. n you killed urself, will you be alive.?? No. If you traveled some length of time into the future, you would be absent from our universe for that length of time. There would be at most one of you at any point in time, so you can't kill yourself. time dialation... View point of the particle 'i just got kick up close to the speed of light'. View point of the observer 'observed particle is a moving faster'.... particle loses the energy that 'kicked' it and 'slows' to its normal 'velocity'.(i.e. particle has just traveled, lets say 1 mile, at 99% of light) Viewpoint of the particle 'i just traveled 1 mile'. viewpoint of the observer... 'that particle only traveled 70% of a mile... then it just appeared at the mile point'. Yeah I know.... Dude you don't know what your talking about... Go get an education... I hear it all the time. |