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no photo
Mon 10/09/06 11:18 AM
what's up people? who's your favorite team?

mine is the RED WINGS. i don't know how much they'll miss yzermen but he
will be missed and there are always high hopes in hockeytown.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 10/09/06 11:21 AM
I'm glad the Red Wings have moved to a different conference from
Toronto...cuz now I can cheer for the Wings guilt free lol and still
cheer for T.O. too lol

RestD's photo
Mon 10/09/06 11:27 AM
I'm a Flames fan...Saturday night's game frustrated me to no end. They
blew the chance to score so many times....

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 11:30 AM
toronto has history and they are stating to regain that famous form.
don't worry bout your flames restD, it' a long season

i wish your teams the best of health.

Balsru's photo
Wed 10/11/06 08:32 AM
Dallas Stars.........New Captain, we will see...2-0!!!Yeah
baby!......Like you said, it is a long season.

no photo
Thu 10/12/06 10:32 AM
SOMEONE HAND ME THE COYOTES ASS. phoenix got whooped last night.

dylux35's photo
Thu 10/12/06 10:42 AM
Edmonton Oilers rule.
I now hate the Hurricanes!

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 04:01 PM
I love the Red Wings. I also watch Blackhawk games and also now the
Rangers since Shanahan is playing there now.

Cybear's photo
Mon 11/20/06 05:02 AM
The Boston Bruins are brewin in Beantown Baby!I am pumped up! and Holy
Jesus,4 straight victories.Well stop the press.They have my
attention.Sure they have alot of new kids on board who are in the
learning curve so I'll be patient.Tim Thomas,there goaltender between
the pipes is starting to impress me.He has been makeing some key stops
at the critical times you need him to.But of course there are areas
where they need work.Well H.Sinden is closer to Jacobs ass,but thank God
he is out of the mix in real time on the ice.It's about time.And they
have a hard ass,take no bullshit type couch with Mr.Lewis.What do I
expect?I want real depth into the playoffs baby!!Like my hero Raymond
Bourque would say "Mission 16W gentlemen" Godspeed,Cybear.

Cybear's photo
Tue 12/12/06 03:47 AM
Damn!Another tough break for my club.(BRUINS of course)I'm sure the bear
logo on the left leaves no mystery.Anyhow Phil Kessel was diagnosed with
Cancer yesterday at Mass General.That is a complete bummer.I really
liked that kid.He showed a tremendous amount of talent,heart and passion
for the game.He will certainly be missed.My prayers go out to him and
his family.sad:( Godspeed!Phil.K. Cybear.

karmafury's photo
Tue 12/12/06 05:11 AM
I'm French-Canadian and live on South Shore of Montreal. Nuff said. It's
almost religious here.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:15 AM
May God's grace go with Phil and hope he has a full recovery.

Pleeease Karma, DON'T tell me yer team is the hated Habs LOL

karmafury's photo
Tue 12/12/06 09:53 AM
What you mean there are other teams?

Cybear's photo
Wed 12/13/06 05:42 AM
Alright karmafury,your club the beloved habs beat my club last night but
I must add that lady luck ain't exactly on my clubs side right now.A
rookie from your club went out on 4 min.penalty for high sticking which
caught Marco Sturm in the face which sent him down the runway for
repair.Jesus,not even 40 seconds later your club was attempting to clear
the zone and take the pressure off because my beloved club was on the
attack.The puck rolled up Glen Murray's lumber catching him the face
which sent him down the runway for repair also.Damn! my club took a
beaten last night.p.s.Phil Kessel update:he has been diagnosed with
testicular cancer.My prayers go out to him and his family.:(I hope for a
speedy recovery.I love that kid.Godspeed!Cybear.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/13/06 12:37 PM
Well, I'm from Carolina, so I have to root for the canes, But before we
got a Team! I liked the Red Wings and The Canadians!
NOW, Who's got the CUP! LOLOL

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/13/06 06:00 PM

Cybear's photo
Thu 12/14/06 06:11 PM
O.K.I did not catch your return reply fanta.For now yes,but as you can
see Cam Ward is not was he was last year.Do not expect them to hold onto
the glorious Stanley Cup.I can assure you they won't.I see Buffalo is
playing tremendously well.Meanwhile Dominick Hasek has come out of
retirement and is holding down the fort quite nicely for Detroit Red
Wings.Atlanta Trashers don't look too shabby.Never underestimate the
N.J.Devils with their suffocating defense and the Almighty Martin
Broduer.He is plain nasty when under pressure.He came up against one of
the greatest goaltenders ever Patrick Roy of course.And N.J.Devils
skated away with the elusive Lord Stanley Cup.Say Good-Bye! Canes to the
cup,give it one final kiss because the cup keeper will be there shortly
to pick it hoo:( Don't cry Cane fans you may win it back some
year.(LOL)Cybear representing the BOSTON BRUINS BABY!!!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/14/06 06:14 PM
The canes weren't a cinderella team!
They have been consistent!

Cybear's photo
Thu 12/14/06 06:16 PM
No I'm not saying they are,but I don't forsee them keeping it.

Cybear's photo
Thu 12/14/06 06:19 PM
Hey fanta my dream was always to accuire Patrick Roy.

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