Topic: Bush commutes sentence of Libby
no photo
Wed 07/04/07 06:24 AM
Clinton seems to be the only thing right-wingers can think about. Listen to Rush, Hannity, Boortz, and the rest(if you can stomach them). They talk about Bill Clinton more than they do every other subject combined. The talk-show hosts should kiss Clinton's feet on a daily basis for providing them with something to whine about every day. If I had a nickel for every time the neocon media mentioned Bill Clinton's name in 2007 alone, I'd be a multi-billionaire by now, and it's only the beginning of July!

KerryO's photo
Wed 07/04/07 08:03 AM
I'd like to throw in some food for thought to those who say Scooter Libby is still being punished by at least having to pay at least at 200k something fine.

Well-heeled people like Steve Forbes are raising and contributing to his defense fund, which as of Jan '07, had 3 million dollars in it according to an unnamed source connected with it. I've also read its goal is 5 million, and some say that's been reached by now.

As far as his reputation being damaged, I'm betting he'll be a hot commodity as a political martyr on the honarium market. So, it's not like he's not going to be earning a good living despite his involvement in this and being convicted by a jury of his peers.

And before anyone goes off the deep Clinton end on me, NO, I despised Clinton for pardoning Marc Rich. And more so for allowing his arrogance to give the Far Right the ammunition they needed against him. It's polluted the political well for over a decade now, such that the enviroment is so toxic that only Yes-Men with powerful lobbies dare risk running for high offices.

If there is any crime they are all guilty of, it's this.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Wed 07/04/07 08:27 AM
Agreed, KerryO, Clinton did do some questionable things, and made some questionable decisions. The Marc Rich thing was one. Rumor had it Clinton was banging Rich's ex-wife, and pardoned him as a favor to her. My point is that when the neocon media can't present their side of arguments and/or discussions(usually due to lack of facts), they trot out Clinton's name in the faint hope that it'll somehow justify whatever they're saying. That'd be like if the liberal media threw out Reagan's name when they couldn't come up with facts to support their side. Honestly, Reagan and Clinton were both great Presidents in their own way.

Of course, when have we had ANY radio show,liberal or conservative, that concerned themselves with facts? The host(s)are MUCH too busy trying to get themselves over.

KerryO's photo
Wed 07/04/07 09:10 AM

I can't stomach *any* of the political talk shows, they all reek of ginned-up drama more befitting a college course in propaganda. "Follow the money trail" seems to be the watchphrase, which wouldn't be a Bad Thing(tm) if it were based on a meritocracy frame of thinking.

Any critical thinker can see it's not. And this administration's cronyism has been about as bald-faced as it gets. This commutation (and the likely 11th hour exoneration to follow) is just another example.

"To the winner goes the spoils" seems more like prophecy than observation.

Our political system is crying out in the wilderness for a viable third or fourth viable party or association to blunt this edge that is depleting it of its lifeblood like a tick.

-Kerry O.

Zapchaser's photo
Wed 07/04/07 11:04 PM
Kerry, now there you and I are in TOTAL agreement. Croneyism goes back farther than the history books though. I don't think that it will ever be removed from the equation.

no photo
Wed 07/04/07 11:07 PM
too late ...america's already got Lymes....laugh laugh laugh

Zapchaser's photo
Wed 07/04/07 11:11 PM
We're toast!laugh laugh laugh laugh sad sad sad sad sad sad

Zapchaser's photo
Wed 07/04/07 11:26 PM
Nite Alex, sweet dreams
I'm pooped yawn

no photo
Wed 07/04/07 11:39 PM
watchin the ship sink is almost as enjoyable as the TRANSFORMERS movie i watched last night!!!

omg!! in the first scene the chopter ' Blackout' took out a whole bunch of was brilliant ..... i loved it!!! sigh....

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 07/05/07 05:09 AM
I am faulumg to make the connection between Scooter Libby and the wanton killing of soldiers for the sheer joy of it.

no photo
Thu 07/05/07 05:13 AM
ya had to be there man...hollywood at it's finest..lollaugh

gardenforge's photo
Sat 07/07/07 12:09 PM
I simply asked a question. Did you have the same degree of rightous indignation when it was Bill Clinton committing the same crime as Scooter Libby. No one has stepped up to the plate and said yes as far as I can see. If you don't hold everyone up to the same standard that is bias from where I stand. If they were going to send Scooter to jail, then Slick Willy should be there holding his hand. Same crime same sentence, that's equal justice. OH and the crime was purjury not outing a CIA Agent.

no photo
Sat 07/07/07 12:11 PM

I'm sorry, but I don't find the two as being compatible. I remember every woman who has given me a BJ, I don't remember every conversation that I've had. I have been in a meeting one week and forgotten who brought up what point by the next, Libby was dealing with years of time.

no photo
Sat 07/07/07 12:43 PM
It must be nice having friends in high places.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 07/08/07 05:11 AM
Amen gardenforge!! perjury is still a crime. Funny thing?? they do the same thing here in my little town. See its OKEY DOKEY to stand in front of a judge (IF YA'LL ARE FROM AROUND HERE) and LIE LIE LIE. If your NOT FROM ROUND HERE....its jail time. Equal justice?? Yeah! your nose and my ASS too!!!
Right ON fineporcelain!! it must be NICE having friends in HIGH PLACES!

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 07/08/07 05:16 AM
I agree with knoxman for the simple fact that had Reagan been president during this carnage provided by god dam saddam....Reagan wouldnt have tolerated HALF the bullcrap. He would have just sent the missle flying. God bless Ronald Reagan. I truly MISS HIM!!!drinker

xootbx's photo
Sun 07/08/07 01:02 PM
It think there is a distinct difference, Clinton under oath in court to protect himself.
Libby misled prosecutors that were investigating a possible crime.
As for punishment, I think both deserve jail time. But that is neither here nor there as Clinton's impeachment never made it all the way through congress.
You are right in the moral application of law and punishment. Unfortunely the liberals amongst us only want the full extent of the law applied when it goes against conservatives.

Now to add insult to injury, and more pertanant that Clinton's perjury, is his pardoning of Mark Rich.

Remeber him, the guy that never even stood trial for the crimes he was being charged with. Remember how is wife donated lots of money to the Clinton Presidental Libary fund.

Now what should be interest are some little facts most do not know.
1. Libby represent Rich and was one of the people pushing for his pardon.
2. Hillaries wife pardoned Rich.
3. Guilliani was the prosecutor that original charge Rich
4. Rich was breaking trade embargos to do buisiness with IRAN.

Some interesting facts if you look at the key players in current events.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 07/08/07 02:59 PM
OMG xootbx that is just too funny. Politics does indeed make for some strange bedfellows. Getting so you can't tell the players without a score care. I liked it better when the good guys all wore white hats. I used to say that if your founding fathers were alive today they would be plotting another revolution, but now I think that may be wrong, the plotting would be over with they would be leading another revolution. As for the distinct difference, about Clinton lying under oath I don't see one purjury is peujury regardless of the reason. The fact that when impeached, Clinton was not convicted by congress does not nulify the crime he committed and the plea bargan he reached after he was out of office that kept him from being tried for it. The ironic thing with Libby is after the investigation was completed it was determined that there was no crime committed in the alleged outting of Vararie Phlame and it wasn't Libby who outted her but he was convicted of obstruction of justice and purjury.

no photo
Sun 07/08/07 03:21 PM
Okay, I can't deal with this. I'm going to post this one last time.

Armitage leaked VP's (Valerie Plame) name. Fitzgerald knew this from the early days of the investigation. He also knew that the leak wasn't intentional and that it didn't matter, because VP hadn't been an undercover agent in over 5 years. He continued the investigation in hopes of someone contradicting themselves. Libby was convicted of misremembering a detail in the investigation of a non-crime. THERE WAS NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION! THEY KNEW WHO LEAKED AND THAT THE LEAK WASN'T A CRIMINAL ACT ALMOST FROM DAY ONE. In the last days of deliberation, the Jury had to ask what crime Libby was charged with, because they didn't understand the charges. He was charged with NOT leaking, but lying under oath...WHY WOULD HE LIE IF HE WASN'T IN DANGER OF PROSECUTION IN THE FIRST PLACE? IT'S STOOPID. The whole thing was a non-crime, Bush should have completely pardoned Libby instead of trying to be a little PC and commute his sentence.

I used all-caps to indicate emphasis, don't cry about me yelling please.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 07/08/07 08:45 PM
it's ok Spider you can yell if ya want, you are among friend here :smile: the whole thing was a circus from start to finish. If you had to describe it in two words the first word would be "cluster". Unfortunately Washington has become so polarized in the last 16 years that almost noting gets done in the legislature anymore. Come to think of it, that may not be a bad thing.