Topic: Five Letters - part 5 | |
People Laugh At Ghastly Humor
D V A C T |
Did Victor Actually Chase Traci
I V I L T |
I Vaulted In Latin Tournaments
D E B I T |
Does Everything Belong Inside Trapper-folders
D Y U T F |
Do You Understand The Facts?
A T C B E |
All The Cute Babies Eating
W H E N A |
Why Has Everyone Not Arrived?
S T A N D |
Sniff The Apples Not Dandelions
B A R I S |
Bar-b-ques Are Really In Style
P L U M B |
Price Look Up Mega Book
D U R K L |
Donkeys Under Rural Kentucky Learn
M N J B F |
Man Not Judgemental Boy friend
R U M A D |
Random Useless Mundane Allowances Diversify
J K M A N |
Just Kidding Men About Nothing
L I M C E |
Lost In Minnesota Can't Escape
L N B V D |
Linearly Negotiated Binary Versatile Disk
I M P O S D |
I Met People Outer Space
G I V E S |
Good Investments Vary Every Second
H A R P S |
How Androids Reap Phone Statistics
B R E E A |
Bathrobes Rarely Evoke Erotic Attitudes
J V A C P |