Topic: Five Letters - part 5 | |
Cubans ReallY Eat American Macaroni
P D T Y S |
Paper Dolls Trashed Yesterdays Suaree
A D I D A |
A Dream Isnt Dreaming Always
V Y A P N |
Always Disregard Information Derived Anonymously
P A R T Y |
Purple Apples Really Taste Yummy
S P O U T |
Sister Patricia Or Uncle Thomas
U K W R I |
Undeniably Karma Will Return Invisibly
W S A H S |
Will Sally Always Harass Stanley
I S A R B |
Impressive Swarms Attack Ripe Bananas
B G M O L |
Big gun might overly load
D G H E H |
Dont Give Henry Evergreen Ham
F R O M S |
Former Representative of Mississippi State
O B M C E |
Obama Brings Miley Cyrus Entourage
F R E N P |
Frank Really Entertains New People
F I A A H |
Fishing In An Abandoned Habitat
J H N M B |
Joshing Has Now Many Believers
D Y R B N |
Dont Yawn Rudely Behind Nancy
I D A H O |
Is Dying A Hard Obligation?
S T H F D |
Should The Hen Flee Decapitation
O Y S S T |
Our Younger Sister Sells T-shirts!
L O V E T |