Topic: Ask a strange question of the person below you... - part 2 | |
I love it when a man cooks for me
Do you like to cook? |
Yes, I do like to cook.
What is your favorite meal to have cooked for you? |
hmm..I am not sure maybe tacos or raviolis?
Do you like to make those? |
I can make tacos. Have never made homemade raviolis. But I like a challenge.
Meat or cheese raviolis? Nighters (((Ice))) |
mm.. ricotta and spinach ones would be nice
Have you ever had those kind? nite |
Yes, I have had those type of raviolis.
Do you eat any type of meat at all? Nitey-nite |
once in a great while..I think I should go vegetarian all the way
nite-nite Doesn't a nice bean burrito with salsa Verde sound good right now? |
nop...maybe for u
u like indian dishes? |
yes I do
Don't you think curry is delicious? |
| is....& entirely depends on the cooker
which indian dishes do u know? |
The ones full of curry.
Why did they use a word with an "S" for "LISP"??? |
lmao i dont know! but thats funny
Have u cleaned ur house today? |
today..??? how come....I do that regularly (w/o fail) on 1st Jan. every year
Why shall I clean house alone...? |
cause having a dirty house is nasty!
Whats the best dog breed? |
I have had a German Shepherd, Dobermans and a mixed breed mutt.
I like mutts. Do you like anklebiters or little lap dogs? There is a difference. |
Lap Dogs (regardless of size)
Do you like cars or trucks? |
Trucks the bigger the better
Do you like Siberian Huskies |
Do you like talking parrots? |
Hah! I have a german shephard too.. Its the best dogg ever..! Well about parrots.., i dont like them.! Have u ever drive a car naked..??
no i havent!!
have u ever wore ur t-shirt inside out on purpose? |