Topic: north korean nuclear test
no photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:07 AM
what do you think about the situation?

licdakitty's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:10 AM
we are all going 2 burn war cant be stop by raving lunitics

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:11 AM
i believe they have tested them but don't believe that they are a

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:14 AM
do you think it is a coincidence that russia reported the seismec
activity to be larger than south korea has?

Ontario's photo
Mon 10/09/06 09:17 AM
I am very concerned... I think this guy could really use them.

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 10:51 AM
he is definitely crazy enough to use them but i don't think that is why
they were created. he has been using his nuclear program as a bargaining
ploy for years and since the release of the news every nation around
him(even china)has spoken out against it and urged them to return to the
table to discuss it.

do you think that they are more of a nuclear threat than iran?

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 10/09/06 10:55 AM
Kinda reminds me of a board game that came out years ago called "Nuclear the 1st kid on yer block to be the last kid on yer block"

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 11:01 AM
lmao...just seems to me that after everyone saw what the little ones did
they aren't really to keen on the idea of a nuclear war between anyone.
the nulear nonproliferation keeps everyone in check. you don't want too
many people to have them but enough people do that they know one will be
fired back at them if they are careless. i wouldn't mind seeing them all
trashed but it will never happen because the countries that have them
will never give them all up.

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 03:06 PM
i just read some news that said that there is some doubt about the
success of the nort korean nuclear tests. i would buy that explanation
but do you think that the explosion was planned to be small in the first

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 10/10/06 07:32 PM
N. Korea HAS the bomb and they got it they're testing the
missles to launch em. I think the last test was intentionally small to
see just how small of a core they need to still be effective,
considering their missles have not the range they hoped for so, a
smaller payload might get them a little more distance. At least I heard
that China ain't to thrilled about N.Korea right now, so they won't be
jumping in on their side if the shit hits the fan.
There used to be another board game I used to play, can't remember the
name, but it was like a present day version of RISK. In this game you
had satellites and nukes. If you successfully nuked a country, you put a
little black mushroom cloud on it and it's resources are not available
for the rest of the game. However, once there are 12 of these little
black mushroom clouds on the board, the game is over and everybody
That was one of the big differences with the cold war, the Russians may
have been commies, but they sure got a lot less fanatical as the years
went by. Both sides realized, thank God, that a nuclear exchange between
both countries would be very bad for the entire planet. Some countries
developed them strictly as leverage, and who can blame them. But does
that mean that some of these lunatics, like Kim Il Yung or whatever the
fuck his name is,(does he have the same hairdresser as Don King???)are
insane enough to use them and risk the destruction of their entire
nation? I think a lot of leaders from "over there" are counting on the
fact the the US, nor the rest of the western world, would ever use nukes
again because ultimatley, it's the civilian population that pays such a
horrendous price, and since we're sposed to be the good guys....

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/10/06 09:57 PM
I have to agree Animal. They are really using them as leverage for
negotiations. While most Communist countries are going free enterprise,
they North Korea seem to be alone in their Communist ideology. I figure
that once both Iran and Korea have a nuclear arsenal, it would be more
of a problem to them then they have bargained for. In Russia, they are
having a problem with the up keep of their nukes.

In these and other ways, Russia has been plunging back into the
nineteenth century. And, as a result, it has entered the twenty-first
century with its twentieth-century systems of nuclear maintenance and
control also in a state of disintegration.
But, second, scores of ill-maintained Russian reactors on land and on
decommissioned submarines--with the destructive capacity of nuclear
weapons--are explosions waiting to happen.
So inthat those cpuntries who stock pile this stuff are some what
cutting their own throat in the end.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 10/10/06 10:23 PM
that is true's one thing to have the weapons, it's another
thing to have the ability and finances to maintain them

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 10:27 PM
you guys are right, none of north koreas allies are standing next to
them on this issue. they are all trying to get them back to the table
but jong ill ain't listening. i think it is strictly for leverage but he
is the crazy commy stereotype that the media use to portray them as.
once the world saw the destruction that these devices caused not one
world leader would realistically be the first to use them, except him
i still think that iran is the more dangerous nuclear threat but he is
starting to be a close second.

AlpineRocks's photo
Tue 10/10/06 10:40 PM
If any of them get nuclear weapons and sell one to terrorist which they
would and terrorist are able to get it into the US theres going to be
trouble could you imagine a bomb being detonated in LA then the
obligation the president would have to the american people we would have
to nuke them back. Where were you on sept. 11 I was in Vegas sleeping on
a friends couch, TV on with no volume when I saw that plane hit the
tower I thought it was a movie till I turned it up could you imagine
waking up to a nuclear bomb.

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/10/06 10:51 PM
What's probably more of a threat then a nuke in L.A. is a dirty bomb.
Imagine one goes off and the disease is spread though people who carrie
the disease but no symptoms yet. Then they carrie it and spread it much
further. More devesting then the Black Plague. Talk about Government
control. I leave that to your imagination.


AlpineRocks's photo
Tue 10/10/06 11:00 PM
would anyone know it went off I dont know much about them? By the way
your cats are cool.

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 11:03 PM
they would know it went off but would not be aware if it was dirty or
not til it was too late.

MynDLash's photo
Thu 10/12/06 11:57 AM
i think that that man is a ego man-ni-ical maniac! he has no sense of
respect for anyone espeacially his own people. he said that if we don't
quit pressureing him then it calls for an act of war. how can he say
that when we and his fellow allies or what ever has told him to stop and
he's not done so! i say that he is the one pressuring us! on the other
hand none of us takes him seriously and that could turn out to be
something very very bad! cuz as i mentioned a while back in some other
forum while we're all away it is a perfect oppurtunity to be ambushed
and again in another forum i quoted the bible on matthew 24 saying that
the lighting will come out of the east even unto the west, think about
it because i believe that this man truly is striving to do just that.
this man would is crazy enough to do something like that! to me this man
looks like the next hilter!

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/12/06 08:21 PM
He's just a little baby. He wants his nuke pacifier that's all. Stick a
couple of bamboo's and let him snort some coke and he'll be fine.

metalgurl's photo
Fri 10/13/06 10:42 AM
I think the whole thing is a mess.Its like this they was told not to
test and they did so I am a very strong believer that they we asking for
trouble when they did it anyway so its time to pay!!