Topic: Hunker Down Lower while the Elite Parties
willing2's photo
Wed 12/08/10 09:57 AM
Obama announces deal to extend tax cuts for the rich
By Barry Grey
7 December 2010
World Socialist Web Site

Obama pledges more bank bailouts, cuts in social programs
By Tom Eley
15 April 2009
World Socialist Web Site

Seakolony's photo
Wed 12/08/10 10:46 AM
Yep was disappointed that they extended the tax cuts for those making 250000 grand or more........

italio69's photo
Wed 12/08/10 11:08 AM
yeah the rich dont need tax cuts

InvictusV's photo
Wed 12/08/10 11:53 AM
world socialist website?

what the hell...

I think a better way to approach this is make corporations start paying some taxes..

General Electric not only paid no taxes last year they got $1.1 billion back from the IRS..

And for all of you that hate oil companies Exxon paid the most of any company in taxes.. $17.1 billion.

davidben1's photo
Wed 12/08/10 01:41 PM
yes, the elites do embrace and propogate a "greater than metality" of themself.

rulers have always been prone to such, if such is not questioned and highly scrutinized by the people.

"elite" is a "self as greater than" in value than another.

it cannot be missed, such has become ever present in society at large, not just in leaders.

such mentality leaders would be far more easily prone to, being the fame and status they ARE GIVEN BY THE PEOPLE THEMSELF.

the people elect whom they like, and who can get away with what they themself wish and want to get away with.

the masses have never voted for "integrity", or caring more about other's than one's own self agenda...

as the people themself have their own singular self agenda's, so simply vote in who prospers the self agenda or the self group agenda...

for there to be any change in such, it would have to come to be, to elect into office the most selfless, lol...

or that which see's all other's VALUE AS EQUAL TO SELF VALUE?

this is not the voting premise that is taught at all, rather to vote in who prospers the singualr self agenda.

so, no wonder the system is collapsing under the weight of trying to dose out the "self agenda" of billions...

and anyhow, selflessness is not embraced in society, so that cannot happen...

society is taught to "love itself", lol...

of course, so singualr agenda is eating up the collective good.

so the elites are simply following the people, and what the people allow and embrace as ok for them to do, not the other way around.

selflessness in government?


Obama's kids as equally important as all other's human children?

be for real.

that is what it would take to erase self agenda or self as greater than from power, which creates the elitest mentality.

when such permeates all of society.

where in society are there people that deem others' kids and families just as valuable and to be protected as much as ones own family?

thats a joke.

it is remiss to think that the government is the cause of all that is less than good.

the government is a reflection of the true values of the collective people themself.

when the poeple come to blame themself, they shall become more wise than the leaders, and see what can create true change.