Topic: Have you ever been hurt by someone before?
spekerboy's photo
Sun 11/21/10 09:04 PM
ive been hurt but im taking that and putting it to the knowledge of what i want in my relationship with someone. hind sight is 20/20 but you cant change it. learn from it and do things better.

no photo
Sun 11/21/10 09:13 PM
very smart lady!!

no photo
Sun 11/21/10 09:15 PM

We've all been hurt whether romantically or otherwise. It's called 'life'.

If we hold on to the hurt then the one that we were hurt by owns our future as well as our past ...

Our hurt typically comes out of our own expectations. I expected my husband to be faithful ... he wasn't. We can't always choose what happens to us but we do choose what we do with it. My ex had to own his behaviour which came with consequences. And I choose mine in how I move forward.

Let go of expectations and the fairy tale that you have created in your mind. We often are the ones who deceive ourselves by not seeing the truth of a situation. We fall in love with potential or see things as they ought to be instead of how they are, we make excuses for another's behaviour. It is madness.

The true gift of relationships is that we allow another close enough to see our vulnerability and to poke our wounds. Once we see them we can heal them. So even the relationships that don't work out have great value in allowing you both to grow and progress and move forward...if you are aware.

Be grateful in that knowing that you have grown beyond that relationship and are ready for one that is bigger, brighter and different. The only thing we bring is ourselves. If we aren't growing and evolving then we are bringing the same person into the next relationship ... the same person that chose the last relationship that didn't work.

We willing ... be brave ... be wise as my friend above said and above all, trust in yourself to handle whatever happens.

All the best! flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 11/21/10 09:18 PM
yup - I would not want to pass on to my next guy the hurt I have seen, I would want to love andprotect him from having to go through the things I have been through. cant imagine ever doing to a man I love the things tht I have experienced

Rennettie's photo
Mon 11/22/10 06:22 AM
the best beat down i have ever been given was for 10 dollars i refused to give omg get a job ppl ( i still got the 10 dollars Beeotch!) black eyes heal up, if you want to hurt someone go for the heart or the wallet

no photo
Mon 11/22/10 08:19 PM

the best beat down i have ever been given was for 10 dollars i refused to give omg get a job ppl ( i still got the 10 dollars Beeotch!) black eyes heal up, if you want to hurt someone go for the heart or the wallet
La Fracais tres melodramatique, comme ca

spekerboy's photo
Mon 11/22/10 08:21 PM
i kinda want to know what that means

newarkjw's photo
Mon 11/22/10 08:23 PM

i kinda want to know what that means

I am not a language expert but I think she was saying he is full of chit. I could be wrong..........smokin

no photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:10 PM

Everyone has been hurt, when I get hurt I just bury the bastards in my basementlaugh slaphead
have u been talking to, I mean Fear?laugh

no photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:13 PM

i kinda want to know what that means

I am not a language expert but I think she was saying he is full of chit. I could be wrong..........smokin

well fellas. let's not get me banned, please. I was saying that the french are known for a bit of drama

I'm actually quite fond of Ren, he's straightforward -honest and sweet & funny

I like to tease him, afterall he's Canadian

no photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:14 PM

i kinda want to know what that means

and u kinda make me wish I was a few yrs youngerblushing

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:15 PM

Everyone has been hurt, when I get hurt I just bury the bastards in my basementlaugh slaphead
have u been talking to, I mean Fear?laugh

laugh No but I got the idea from him through his posts.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:16 PM
No pain, no gain.

newarkjw's photo
Mon 11/22/10 09:17 PM

i kinda want to know what that means

I am not a language expert but I think she was saying he is full of chit. I could be wrong..........smokin

well fellas. let's not get me banned, please. I was saying that the french are known for a bit of drama

I'm actually quite fond of Ren, he's straightforward -honest and sweet & funny

I like to tease him, afterall he's Canadian

I gotcha. Hell I thought it was Mexican.........smokin

no photo
Thu 11/25/10 07:32 AM
maybe honesty is better. ive been hurt alot of times too. you dont exist if you dont feel the hurt. wishing it will turn out to be a happy ending. next level is acceptance...and understanding.

prashant01's photo
Mon 11/29/10 09:05 AM

you dont exist if you dont feel the hurt.

This is gr8 said.....

But this is an indication of how badly are we human beings bound to this mortal blind are we to not see anything beyond our emotions,relations,expectations...............hope somebody getting me.....

fireflysgirl's photo
Mon 11/29/10 09:12 AM
just because someone is honest doesn't mean they won't hurt you! the saying "the truth hurts" has a lot of meaning.

prashant01's photo
Mon 11/29/10 09:17 AM

just because someone is honest doesn't mean they won't hurt you! the saying "the truth hurts" has a lot of meaning.


Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 11/29/10 09:24 AM
Honestly, is that a question or a joke, GEE WILLIKERS, I have never been hurt, life is an awesome melodic flower picking scene.

timmy2tone240's photo
Mon 11/29/10 09:49 AM
I've been hurt twice that i would really count, but its life and we all learn from it