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Topic: Your 1st Childhood Memory
knightless's photo
Sat 06/30/07 05:25 PM
The first memory I can remember is when I was ran over by my Dad. I was in front of his truck on my bicycle and he didn't see me,...didn't break anything but it bruised me up and scared me half out of my mind.ha I was about 5 yrs old.

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 05:30 PM
grumble I hope these don't have to be happy
My first childhood memory
That would be when my dad threw me out of a boat with no life jacket on at 4 yrs old and I started to drown and he said better figure out how to swim fast
Now obviously I learned
BUt I mean
My daughter got swimming lessons at the "Y"
I thought that was a lot more reasonable

wanttachat's photo
Sat 06/30/07 08:06 PM
I was about 3 or 4 and thank God I do not remember any thing before this I am in the hospital I am sitting on a table with a soaking wet blanket around me I am cold and this Big Black woman comes in (I am telling you her color cause this is the 1st time I ever saw a black person) she was sooo nice but then another nurse comes in and there is this big steel tub with water moving in it they have to take off my blanket and the big woman is trying to soothe me but it don't help cause you see I had just arrived to the hospital cause I was burned 90% of my little body 1st 2nd and 3rd degree burns. they took off the blanket and I screamed then they put me in the tub, the big woman has tears running down her cheeks......

Dayv's photo
Sat 06/30/07 08:08 PM
I was 5, got my ars beat for bringing home 3 baby rattlesnakes in moms tupperware bowl....I found out years later it wasn't the tupperware bowl she was so upset about...grumble

mishaellyn's photo
Sat 06/30/07 08:32 PM
I was about 5 years old and i can remember my cousin and i were in the living room coloring in our coloring books.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 06/30/07 09:07 PM
lets see earliest memory would be playing on my grandparents farm, in the dirt with a steel toy roadgreator they had given me. I had to have been 2 at the time, as my brother was born when I was three and they both passed away that same year or the year after.

HangedMan's photo
Sat 06/30/07 09:50 PM
oxygen tent with asthma attack and double pneumonia at 2 yrs old.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 06/30/07 11:41 PM
i remember dragging my stepstool down the hardwood
floor of the hallway and turning on/off the lightswitch

the old pushbutton kind where there are two buttons
one over the other - i used to love to turn the lights
off and on

ladypegasus's photo
Sun 07/01/07 12:09 AM
Finally being big enough to play games like Red rover and Hide and Go Seek with the older kids at family get-togethers...eating peanut butter and sugar sandwiches at my aunt's house...running from the outhouse at my grandpa's house so the big old mean rooster wouldn't catch me.

Lakeman's photo
Sun 07/01/07 12:21 AM
I swear...I was a toddler sitting in the driveway fascinated by all the stones and testing them by putting them in my mouth. It's funny that part of my job as a project manager has to do with monitoring the contractors placing the same type of stone in the highways!!laugh laugh laugh

Lakeman's photo
Sun 07/01/07 12:28 AM
This is me at 2 and a half yrs old holding Dads Dunn Dunn!
I remember my aunt taking the picture!!drinker

Marie55's photo
Sun 07/01/07 12:32 AM
One of my first was my mom always yelling at me to watch my baby brother. He must have been about 2, so middle brother would have been about 4 and I would have been 5. Anyway playing in the sandbox in the yard. Everytime and I mean EVERYTIME we played in the sandbox my baby brother would eat the damn sand. My mom would freak on me because he ate the sand and I couldn't make him stop. I caught more hell because he ate that sand.

Now as an adult and seeing what a "punk" he has turned out to be as an adult, and knowing about cats and what they do in sand boxes --- one can only hope --- (yeah, I am a rotten big sister. Not really, if you only knew the truth).

Marie55's photo
Sun 07/01/07 12:34 AM
I remember my last "spanking" from my dad, was about 6 maybe, had welts from my waist to the back of my knees on both sides -- think it was the last time he laid a hand on me. He had really lost his temper that time.

Lakeman's photo
Sun 07/01/07 12:44 AM
I remember lots at 4 yrs old. I had my 1st birthday party. I got a new baseball that I treasured so much that I wrote my name on it in BIG letters and put it safely away in my drawer so that it would never get dirty...lollaugh

ajhagena's photo
Sun 07/01/07 01:54 AM
Oh god...

I was in the backseat of the car of our old Toyota Camry and my mom was driving. We were driving down the I-15... actually, we were on the off-ramp for Ted Williams Parkway. I had my stuff Mickey Mouse in my hands (apparently I called him Icky Bouse). Being a curious kid, like we all are, I decided to open the car door just to see what would happen. All I remember after that is Icky Bouse being torn from my grip by the torrent of 65 mile-per-hour wind.

My mom said I screamed so loud she thought I fell out of the car. She pulled the car over and retrieved Icky, but not before he got run over a few times. :cry:

I still have him somewhere... *thinks*

no photo
Sun 07/01/07 02:10 AM
Hmmmm I remember my mom almost setting the house on fire. It was just a medium house fire.....not too crazy.laugh laugh laugh laugh

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