Good Morning ((((((MyTwin))))))
Doing good and you? |
i'm doing fantastic .. the lunatic has to work tonight again .. doing a lot of work for a gas station up the road and most of it they cant do untill they close but now at least the cashiers have a bullet proof glass case around them ..
Dananananana Angel! *pokes her and runs away* mwahahahaha!
I have a new name for Fallen...we will call her the BRB Angel! So theres the Danannanana Angel, and the BRB I hope neither of ya'll end up as my guardian angel...I'll be screwed lol jk!
((Fallen)) How are you today?
Good Cloudy and you feel better today?
Yes i do! But since the boss is going to make me work Sat for missing a day, I called in today so I can have a day off ^.^
you go Cloudy
I'm just waiting for the animal shelter to open (at noon) so I can go love on some kittens cause I miss all my cats back home =(
just trying to enjoy my last day of freedom before i have to go back to work tomorrow
AWWWW Cloudy thats sweet
Awe Heather! WHy do you have to go back so soon?
cuz i'm broke and have lots of bills to pay. i wish i didnt' have to go back to that place ever but i need the money, i sent out a bunch of resumes yesterday so maybe something better will come along
Hi Libra
You can come work with me as a maid! lol
ummm...i think i'll pass...hi fallen
allen really stop poking me i'm gettin bruises
good morning everyone