Topic: A Funny Ad for Cat Lovers
WolfEyez's photo
Sun 09/26/10 12:48 PM
Does your cat have an absurd amount of energy? Does he trade his toys for your bare feet? Does he randomly start play fights that are just too rough? Does your cat "talk" too much and like to get in between walking feet? Do you find he has a jealousy issue while you are on the phone? Maybe he even sits atop the fridge just waiting for you to pass by. Maybe this sounds all too familiar.

If night time howling and high speed chases sound familiar, your furry one may enjoy catnip. Just a small amount or few sprays is enough to create a momentarily burst of energy with satisfying results. Spray or dispose a small amount on any scratch posts, toys or other play items, and wait five to ten minutes. Extra energy, meowing, and floor rolling is temporary, but common. The ending result is exhaustion. Mission accomplished. Now get some sleep because morning is a different story.

Catnip -- A burst of energy with exhausting results.

( Not a poem, but still a write )

thewaterbearer's photo
Sun 09/26/10 12:56 PM
laugh I should try this on my cats during the day so they will let me sleep at night, such nocturnal creatures.

WolfEyez's photo
Sun 09/26/10 01:14 PM
I wrote it simply because it works when it comes to my cat. It was like a blessing in disguise. Luckily, he doesn't need it all the time so he does not have an addiction problem.

no photo
Sun 09/26/10 02:53 PM

no photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:13 PM
Used to grow catnip. The 'temporary floor rolling' is my favorite part.

WolfEyez's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:15 PM

Used to grow catnip. The 'temporary floor rolling' is my favorite part.

mine too!