Topic: im livid, me cell phone not working
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Sat 09/25/10 05:08 PM
I was spraying kids with hose when i got back to table there was water on my cell. it seems to be working partially but the number pad is really pissing me off and songs keep playing random. Is there a way to dry it out.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:10 PM
use a can of compressed air on it and maybe it might be a good idea to pull the battery out and set it in the sun to dry out.

WolfEyez's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:14 PM
dont put it in the sun! I'm the queen of dumping water on my phone. take the battery out of the phone and leave it to air dry for a day or day and a half. you can also put it all in a bowl of rice ... works. my phones have always recovered 90% with minor damage.

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Sat 09/25/10 05:17 PM
cool thanks for the advice. it seems to be working but the number pad is useless. then every once in awhile the music starts playing random songs from it, it's a nokia music xpress/mp3. it seems to be making its own selection on songs. so freaky. then it worked when i reset the date/time, now i cant get anything on the number pad to work.

WolfEyez's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:20 PM
stop playing with it. Just shut it off and take the battery out. leave it to air dry for a full day before you tempt to mess with it. The water will make more damage to the inside the longer you keep the phone on. and insurance on phones do not cover water damage and they can tell if there is water damage if you send the phone back and they will charge you a couple hundred just to get a new phone .. because it has water damage. so try and save it