Topic: Jack's Fifth Show
msmyka's photo
Wed 09/15/10 11:39 AM
Jack FM is a local radio station that pretty much just plays what ever the fawk they want.... I'm going to their concert this weekend.... don't hate :tongue:

Just Added: Vanilla Ice and Young MC rofl

no photo
Wed 09/15/10 11:48 AM

newarkjw's photo
Wed 09/15/10 11:57 AM
Sounds like fun.....happy

DTHRomeo's photo
Wed 09/15/10 12:40 PM
Ok ... spock

Mayhem_J's photo
Wed 09/15/10 01:06 PM
Sounds like your going to be sorrounded by a lot of mullets and girls in cut off jean shorts.

msmyka's photo
Wed 09/15/10 01:32 PM
Best people watching EVER!