Topic: Some things to ponder
karmafury's photo
Sun 08/29/10 02:23 AM
Edited by karmafury on Sun 08/29/10 02:26 AM
It's so easy to hate, create propaganda, promote violence towards an entire group for the actions of a select group, in this case Muslims. But how do Muslims feel about Al Qaeda and terrorist groups?

Al Qaeda hurts Muslims most

Resolution of Condemnation by Muslims Against Al Qaeda,
ALL Suicide Bombers and Other Terrorists, March 23, 2005

"At present, al Qaeda and its clones call their murderous cause "Jihad" (Holy War), their assassins "mujahiddin" (holy warriors) and "martyrs" and their destiny Paradise. All too often, these are the same words that we (including virtually all Governments, academia, media and assorted other "experts") carelessly use for them -- thus tending to confirm their patently false terms of self-sanctification.

The use of words with positive meanings is deadly and has helped many terrorists market their evil and criminal acts as acts of good and justice. We seek to define these evil criminals with negative terms rather than let them define themselves with positive terms. The Islamic labels that must be applied are those of "Hirabah" (unholy war) by "mufsidoon" (evildoers) on their way to "Jahannam" (eternal Hellfire), instead. "

Western media itself helps propagate the myth of terror being a Holy War. Start calling a killer by what he is .. a killer not by what faith he follows.

Entire Text

Fatwa Issued Against Usama bin Laden

MADRID, Spain — Muslim clerics in Spain issued what they called the world's first fatwa, or Islamic edict, against Usama bin Laden on Thursday, the first anniversary of the Madrid train bombings, calling him an apostate and urging others of their faith to denounce the Al Qaeda leader.,2933,150066,00.html

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 02:57 AM
Ponder this, bin laden is in a country Full of muslims yet he can't be found??? They are Supporting him by hiding him. PERIOD

karmafury's photo
Sun 08/29/10 03:23 AM

Ponder this, bin laden is in a country Full of muslims yet he can't be found??? They are Supporting him by hiding him. PERIOD

He had plenty of time during the Afghan / Russian war to find well hidden, dug in places with American aid to hide from the Russians who used same electronic / human resources to try and find him and others who fought the Russians. The mountainous regions that he prefers to use are some of the most rugged terrain known with caves all over.