Topic: heya!!!! Newbie here!
ANJBOG89's photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:18 PM
Hey everyone!
I am Anjela. I'm 21 and well im just enjoying life! I have never really done this before so it's a bit new for me! I hope everyone is having a great night!

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:29 PM
welcome anjela...i would say good luck, but i don't think you'll need it...the cowboys jersey makes you even hotter!

flowerforyou drool flowers

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:30 PM

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:47 PM
Hi :banana:

wundatwin2's photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:50 PM
New myself!!! I hate dating sites, but I hate bars more. Waste of time and money. People are no longer honest. Sheesh!!!!

wundatwin2's photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:52 PM
Helllloooooo nurse!!

DeathsTreaty's photo
Mon 08/09/10 09:01 PM
Hello and Welcome

JamieRawxx's photo
Tue 08/10/10 05:40 PM
Welcome, welcome =]]