Topic: I know EXACTLY what you want !
JimNastics4u's photo
Sun 08/08/10 07:05 AM
Oh sure, you can play all coy and innocent.
But, we both know that's just a truly silly game.
You're not fooling anyone. Well, at least not me.
Face it, your eyes are 'the windows to your soul'.
Whether you admit it, or not, they reveal
your deepest innermost secret desires.
But, it's not only your eyes.
For someone who can truly read you,
it's written all over your face.
More than that, your body language speaks loud & clear.
Thus, just a passing glance from me and
I can tell EXACTLY what you want and how badly too.
There's no use in even attempting to hide it.
You more than just want it.
The truth is, you want and need it so bad,
that you can almost taste it.
So, lets drop the thin veil of supposed mystery
and get together so I can fullfil your
wildest dreams and give you the complete satisfaction
that you so desperately need..
Yep, I've got chocolate ! biggrin

This surprised me. I thought it would be a 'Kit Kat' bar. :laughing:

mbcasey's photo
Sun 08/08/10 08:27 AM
Shouldn't it be the other way around?

She reaches in his pants and "Snickers"?