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Topic: ok I have to know
LittleFireCracker19's photo
Sun 06/24/07 08:57 AM
90% of everybody says looks arent important...when in all reality if you
look at it or think about have to be attracted before you are
even going to talk to them to get to know if they have a Im I just looking to far into it or is everybody sayin
looks dont matter just to sugar coat the truth?

Jc316jc's photo
Sun 06/24/07 08:59 AM
now that u mention this your so right... i mean when i first ask for
advice like 90% of the people said post a pic...yet does same people say
looks arnt inportant.

LittleFireCracker19's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:00 AM
that suppose to be AM bad stupid typos

sushi's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:05 AM
Most definitely looks are important. Fortunately for all of us
different looks appeal to different people.

buttons's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:06 AM
there does need to be some physical attraction... but they have to be
more beautiful inside than out.. now if they have both that is the
ultimate... but the inside is most important... after all if u find
someone very attractive and their insides are ugly, most would not stay
with them....... now if they had a lil attractiveness and their insides
are golden most would stay with them.... and with golden insides the
outside becomes to shine even more.....

celticricket's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:07 AM
not to sound shallow but looks are important, cuz if you dont feel that
attraction then whats the point? you dont have to be drop dead gorgeous.
everyone has their own taste about what is attractive about someone and
what isn't. just because one person doesnt find you attractive doesnt
mean that someone else wont. my point is, if you think he's cute and he
thinks you're cute, then at least you're starting off on the right foot.
who knows where it may go from there. happy

LittleFireCracker19's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:10 AM
lol I know personality is a must...and all the other stuff...I just dont
understand why a lot of people say looks dont matter at have
to be some what attracted or its not going to work....peopl are
confusing now and days which is where most of our relationship problems
come from now

Jc316jc's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:10 AM
cel so thats y u refuse to have a conversation with me?

no photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:12 AM
Looks are more important to some than to others, definitely -- I think
everyone has their own spectrum of priorities.

My interpretation of a lot of these "looks" threads is that people are
actually saying that looks aren't necessarily the MOST important thing.
It may be third, or seventh, or twelfth on their list of priorities (has
anyone actually broken it down to that extent?), but it isn't number

Not that it isn't important, but it takes a back seat to honesty or
compassion or integrity or whatever.

I have been on sites where people will say "If you don't have a picture
in your profile, don't bother to write to me." Are these people
obsessed with looks? Not necessarily, they may just be more comfortable
interacting with someone they perceive as having nothing to hide.

I don't think you're really going to get any sort of blanket consensus
on this, since everyone is different. Some probably ARE trying to
sugarcoat their truths, simply to avoid appearing shallow and
superficial; they may think that "looks don't matter" is what people
want to hear. If it's dishonest, it doesn't necessarily help whatever
future interactions they might find themselves in down the road, but a
lot of people don't think in terms of consequential linearity.

So -- looks DO matter, but in varying degree, strictly by individual
standards and preferences.

bobbyblue's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:14 AM
To society looks are important you see beautiful people in media and
even on commercials. When it really comes down to it beauty is only skin

buttons's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:15 AM
i guess in the end....... looks dont matter if u have a azznine
insidelaugh laugh that would make one look right past your
lookslaugh laugh

LittleFireCracker19's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:16 AM
laugh laugh laugh

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:17 AM
Looks, beauty, hotness - whatever you wanna call it. Is strictly a
matter of personal taste. It may be a jumping off or into a
conversation point with some people, other people maybe not. I usually
end up emailing people that have something I find amusing in their
profile or of interest to me in their picture. Good question though -
I've also ended up talkin' to people who by looks alone I would
automatically say - uh-uh, not my style - I haven't regretted it so far.

The cover may be why you pick up a book, but the content will always
determine if you actually read it all the way to the end or put it back
down unread and collecting dust.

mtnguy's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:18 AM
well said wench

no photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:18 AM
Lex, you just saved me a lot of typing.


>> now that u mention this your so right... i mean when i first ask for advice like 90% of the people said post a pic...yet does same people say looks arnt inportant

When it comes to authenticity its far more important to me to hear a
voice, then to see a pic. Pics can lie almost as well as a written
profile can.

Jc316jc's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:23 AM
i dont think i am a shalow person, i mean toght my ex was beatufull
inside n out yes she was fat but curvy (she use to turn me on) n i loved
her eyes, i also loved her personality. but look waht kind of person she
turn out to be. (she changed)

so now i think y not shoot for the stars. if anyways that person can
change, come like she did after 10 years n say.

"well things change", just like that out of no where.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:42 AM
Thanks, mtn.

Lex: You have one of the best analytical minds!!!!

no photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:44 AM
Thank you DKW!

Most of this stuff comes from fortune cookies.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sun 06/24/07 10:23 AM
I think that a lot of people like to be able to put a face to the words
they see....I could be wrong..and it wouldnt be the first time

Now with the blue box, I think it would be more interesting if the boxes
came in your choice of color..that way we all are shaped the same, but
in the color that best expresses our personality.....:smile:

oldsage's photo
Sun 06/24/07 10:27 AM
Looks are always a factor, but not all of it.
You look fine dear, don't let anyone put you down.
Be yourself & you'll find what you want.
Don't push, don't rush, good things come to those that wait.
Be cool, go slow & listen to both HEART & HEAD.

Beautiful baby.

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