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Topic: The Truth about Coffee
uk1971's photo
Sun 06/24/07 05:49 AM
Is coffee good or bad for you? A recent study shows coffee is more
addictive than previously thought, while others show a cup can have
health benefits.


The Heart

It is suspected that too much coffee can trigger an irregular heartbeat
(heart arrhythmia) in those prone to the condition, which affects around
2 per cent of the population. The problem is believed to be caused by
the stimulant caffeine. However, the British Heart Foundation says that
drinking moderate amounts is unlikely to increase the risk of developing
arrhythmia in those not already susceptible to it.

Blood pressure Research into whether caffeine raises blood pressure took
a new turn in 2003, when a team at Edinburgh University tested its
effect on the arteries around the heart - rather than in the arm as
normal. After the caffeine equivalent of four to five cups of coffee,
volunteers' blood pressure rose sharply, even though the arteries in the
arm showed no change. This hidden rise may explain why previous studies
regarding caffeine and high blood pressure have been inconclusive. The
long-term effects on the cardiovascular system are still unknown.

The Stomach

Coffee does not cause ulcers but could aggravate existing ones, because
it stimulates the stomach's acid secretions.


Two reports this year have shown different views on caffeine and Type 2
diabetes, which is controlled by diet and drugs rather than insulin
injections. American research found a link between coffee at mealtimes
and increased blood sugar, indicating that caffeine could make this form
of diabetes worse by interfering with blood sugar control. Diabetes UK,
however, felt the study was too small (14 people) to make any
recommendations, other than encouraging diabetics to check their blood
sugar regularly so they are aware of fluctuations.

Conversely, research by Helsinki's National Public Health Institute
found that coffee appeared to protect people from developing Type 2
diabetes in the first place. This is backed up by a report from the
Harvard School of Public Health, which also suggests it is minerals in
coffee - rather than the caffeine it contains - that have a protective


There seems little doubt that coffee is a diuretic, encouraging the body
to lose fluid, though some studies, including one published by the
National Academy of Sciences in America, claim the effects are
negligible. Migraine Coffee has long been listed as a possible trigger
for migraine.This is thought to be due to compounds called amines in
coffee, which stimulate blood platelets in the brain to clump together,
releasing the chemical messenger serotonin and so triggering a migraine.

Loss of vitamins and minerals

Caffeine inhibits the body's absorption of iron and other nutrients, and
causes calcium to be expelled from the body in urine. There has been
concern this could increase the risk of osteoporosis. However, research
is inconclusive, according to a UK Government report on nutrition and
bone health, and in any case most people drink coffee with milk,
increasing their overall calcium intake.


Caffeine has been associated with low fertility. One study maintained
that three or more cups a day was enough to reduce the chances of
conceiving, though the results were partly based on what women could
remember about their coffee consumption ten years previously.

But researchers at Sao Paulo University in Brazil discovered that men
who regularly drank coffee had stronger sperm than men who did not. It
is thought that caffeine has a stimulating effect on sperm, just as it
does on the central nervous system.


The Food Standards Agency issued a warning to pregnant women earlier
this year after research suggested caffeine could be harmful to an
unborn child. Pregnancy also slows down the elimination of caffeine from
the system. The recommended daily limit for pregnant women is 300mg of
caffeine, roughly equivalent to four cups of instant coffee, or three
cups of freshly brewed.



Like both black and green tea, coffee contains antioxidants, which can
help prevent the cell mutation which may lead to cancer.


Surprisingly - given that it can be a migraine trigger - the caffeine in
coffee can also help cure headaches. It is one of the ingredients in
some headache pills because it increases the power of aspirin and other
painkillers by as much as 40 per cent.

Brain stimulation

As coffee is a stimulant, it can help concentration. Earlier this year
Dr Chiara Trombetti, of the Humanitas Gavazzeni Institute in Italy, went
as far as suggesting a morning cup of milky coffee could get sleepy
schoolchildren off to a good start. However, that is unlikely to be
echoed by nutritionists here, who recommend sufficient sleep and good
diet as better ways to cope with the mental demands of the day.

Liver health

Doctors cannot explain the link, but several studies have shown that
coffee drinkers are less likely to develop liver disease, including
cirrhosis of the liver.


Women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones. In one study,
women who drank four cups of coffee each day were 25 per cent less
likely to need surgery for gallstones than non-drinkers.

Good for the skin?

Caffeine appeared to improve microcirculation when applied to the skin
in one study, making cellulite look better.


Greyhound's photo
Sun 06/24/07 05:53 AM
drinker Now,could you please tell me what booze does for you?
laugh laugh laugh

uk1971's photo
Sun 06/24/07 06:03 AM
Hic That would take to long to explain bigsmile drinker drinker
drinker smokin glasses

emeralddragon's photo
Sun 06/24/07 06:54 AM
what about booze in your coffee?