Topic: When..
DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 07/27/10 09:06 PM
Edited by DeathsTreaty on Tue 07/27/10 09:12 PM
When the Mind Shatters
The soul thrashed
Heart at a loss
We resemble the very thing we hate
The beast we cast aside to starve
The animal left to stare down on us
When all else exist out of reach
Is that is when?...

Italy0219's photo
Tue 07/27/10 09:07 PM
We meet God.

RowBaby's photo
Wed 07/28/10 02:43 PM
I like this DT.
Makes you think.
Makes me wonder if we do resemble the very thing we hate.


Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 07/28/10 02:50 PM
We have met Lucifer!

I hope I never see him!:heart:

RowBaby's photo
Wed 07/28/10 02:59 PM
I didn't get Lucifer from Beast, but that works.
I thought of the beast more like "addiction".

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 07/28/10 03:03 PM
thought of the as lucifer. Lucifer is the beast

also thought of addiction as lucifer

like monkey on your back

That's just the way I thought

great write!:heart:

DeathsTreaty's photo
Wed 07/28/10 03:35 PM
Thanx ^^

glad you enjoyed it